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<br />8I°°t}Ct~81{~ <br />JOINT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED <br />BRYAN E. WARE and ALTA M, WARE., husband and ~ife,- <br />eaeh in his and her awn right and as spouse of the other, <br />GRANTORS, in cansideratian of FIFTEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDREI> <br />AIi€} NUlit3O U(3GLRRS ~~14,9UO.OOt, received fram GRANTEES, <br />GERALD W. JONES and S'rTAECUN R. JONES, husband and wife, ean- <br />veys to GRAN'T`EES , as JOINT TENANTS and nat as tenants. in <br />eomman, the fallawing described real estate (as defined,in <br />Neh. Reu. 5tat. 76-2{}1't: <br />The Southeriy Fifty-seven (5%; feet <br />of Lot Une t_Zr, in Block Seventy-one f71}, <br />in Wheeler i~ Bennett's Secand Additian <br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />subject to any and ail easements, eavenants, restrictions, <br />canditians And encraachments of record. <br />GRAIvTOPtS joint?y snd severalty cavenant with <br />GRANTEES that GRANTORS are lawfully seized of such real <br />estate and that it is free fram encumbran_e; GRANTORS have <br />Tegal paver and lawful authority to convey the same; and GRAN- <br />TA~tS warrant and will defend the tide tc~ the real estate <br />against the lawful claims c~E ~~ll pers~ans. <br />EXECUTED this loth ~iay at .1uly, lCBU. <br />ATi°AGNE+~ <br />AKA OOGL'I+RE.NTAi~Y s <br />~~ ~ ~ ii <br />8rt •.. are <br />~~~~~ <br />~T~ a~ N~~~AST~A, <br />~~. <br />The focegaing instrnt ~~& aCkcp#,}sz! ec{g€:~ Ufa>~: ;~ <br />.I't-1y 15 , L 98O , by BRYAN E . WARE and ALTA iii . WARE , husband <br />:a°~ w#.~, aaet; ire his arfd her own. right and ds spouse of tEse <br />e~~ez . <br />/#~ " <br />""~ tart' ubTie <br />__ u <br />