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t'"' <br />L6t.A:-WJtitIHRIITY titBSit ~ ~ "~° ~~ ~ ~ 13 CJ ~ a7 Naffmsn and ioiNs d WNf, Ws4lsn. pe 98/61 <br />} ~ow~~~: <br />TH9T I ur We; 'ThE2ma Ai. Leonard ~ a aingl.e person <br />~._ , hea tailed-the. gratdaz~heenm~otm ar m~r~ <br />;, ~ is 'mot Cremation of 2`x°ttst <br />x reeeived ftra$ grantee, do herehp Brut3+ 6®trBaun, sell, coavep ead coaifizm smto <br />'Phew l'4. Leonard ttevocable Tzust <br />:' ~ herairn es3let# the gzaatse whether one or mcine, the fulluwiag deeerthed read Fp'flPe~F is <br />~: Ball Catnacp Nebraska : <br />~23te Horthatest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 23, Toranship 1I <br />~~sr'th, f4ascJa 13 chest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Lot 1, Hloolc 30, in Sdasr's Addition to the City pf Grand TsIandP Grand.. <br />f ~ Island. I~ettraska. <br />`, s <br />f <br />3 <br />f <br />Ta have to hutd the above deaerihrd rrremisee tagethsr with att tentmeuts, hereditamenta and appnr- <br />teman~e there!W belungiag mnta the grantee-sad to grantee's heirs scut assigtw forever. <br />~nsi the grsasur dues herebp earenant with the grantee and with grantee's hairs antl assigns that graator <br />is lawfutly oa~l of said premises: chat they are free from eacambrantx <br />that grantccr h~ geed right and Iawt~tt aatboritp to tgnrry the same ; sad that grauwr warrants and wilt defend <br />the-title to sahT Mesa again thr lawi*.tt rt~aims of ail ~rsura wne~r~a~. <br />Dat~i Novemiser 2? i9 79 <br />r~.' <br />TSte~lBa ~1. ..emnar~ y `. _ . ,-. . <br />STATE,' QF 't88RASRA ---.. ~ CJs tkis......2.2tt3._.._.dap of._ ...~f~3!~".X'.._...._..-.......,._...... rp_~g._., bajara <br />.... rs. <br />. -°._..--_~~~.?,~Y............_Caaatp uw, ttw sssr~sad a Yetary Pnnfddr, dadp c~sgd asd q~ifisd foa <br />is .mid cusstp, ~crran-afly cauw............_ ......................._...-......-°-----...._._ ........__-_..--- <br />'Pheltna M. T.eonard, a single person <br />' a ee N,~. <br />f ~ ::.. _:~- ~ .. ~~ ., ,~ to ens knnotonr to fte the idasticaf Herron ~~8 :uhosa assns is 7c <br />~~ -~ ~ to tine frrregois~g isatrnaNr»t and acksotuledgad tfrs e~acstias tkareuf to fie <br />~" ~ SIB her tra#anttarv act sad deed. <br />s i <br />- '- r lf~stsers *sY kasd ,mad ?ds~at~.f6~tka dap asdtart -abvar mtittas. <br />#- I ~ -+ }~ y~ <br />~, <br />r t ' <br />`'~ ~•~'af~M. L;¢VRd.t~.. li.._..,~3es? .............. ...... L .4....t <br />~"dt'T~r' .., ............. <br />i ~ au 1. ate- Genf f~ t+evard ~-~ ' ~ l)se~s Uf'filee at said C.unntp the , <br />rw .. - - <br />..... , .+~; mf , ~ .. .-... 2~.... , .. at.......:...a'ssiaslt sad..... , .... , ssiugtea ........... ~„ <br />wad ~!~sld, fs ~a. , ... , _ ..... , ... ~ ..... ...... . ....... at pagt..... , ..... - ..... !, <br />• ~~ <br />~. B}~ ............... .,..,.....~~, <br />