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AJ3SIfi' 6P ~ ~ ~ ~ U C) Q ii Q `# <br />ifDE01i JELL !d$H BF TFiE58 7R83BN'i'8< that. =5u~rior 'F4GrtgagE, <Inc: < < <br />{"Ilaaignar"1 fez good and valuable eonaideratian to it in hand paid by the NebrnsJ~a<1Bort- <br />gags r°iaa~i. ee Fund, argania~ un~r the iawe of `ri3~ State of Hearaeka (~~s-a.g~ ~3 . t'~i <br />rsceiot of which consideration is hereby acknaxledaed, Baas hereby aaaian, tzansi's~c, trrd <br />set aver unto Asaigaee alt its rights, title, and interest in and to tt~t certain lltsTt° <br />gecle executed by Dennis M. YJansen & Saz~r'a A. Etansen, husband 6 tnlfe _ .ewla <br />3asiclsaor: dated, .F:b~7z'Y ~Qi ~9,8~ _ _, assrt4~7~4 t2te ioF.lenl.siq <br />desczi0ed real property la=aced in the County of .~12 . BteCe of 1Nbrasit~ss <br />Lot 2, O'Brien Subdivision, in the village of Alda, Hall County, Nebraska <br />and filed far reeard in the Office at the Register of Deeds of &zll . <br />Caaa3ty, bebraaka, an the . 7,1 ,h . day of . Feba-ua~ 1981 , and appearing <br />of record t~ct>ment 6 81-9DQfr1~ together with the nnte{s) and indabtsdaess <br />descYibed in, and secured by the instrument aforesaid. <br />2Y7 HAYS ARD fib HOL the name unto the said :~eGraska ~f+artgage Finance Fund and unto <br />its stxceeaoza and assigns fazever. <br />3'%3S A38I2,'ffi~4FfiiT IS lfx08 axprebaiy subject tq and in accordance with file warranties <br />and rsgreaentationa of Aasigaar with Assignee pursuant to a cerr_ain Martgaq® Loan Ozigi- <br />aation A~zasment between Assigner and Assignee, a cagy of which is an file in the o#fice <br />of Assignee. <br />E+~CL*3'ED AS9D DELIVERED this 1Qth ;fay of .February . .. 19 $l. <br />. .Superior A9ortgage, Inc: _ . <br />{Hasse e_° Assignor! <br />2`I?L8: Secretary TITZ>:: Vice Pzesisient <br />3 ss. .. <br />ccrc~vrx ox J~11 ~ <br />IDth `.yt <br />The foregoing instzt was acknowledged befare me this. •"r~u u=+°` <br />deg of . ~~ . ., 19.81 by R. S .LSncast~ri Vice, Pzes;cIgs}t. and . <br />=A~ ?~erat 'r~t,'i.;:rt. .c~°~ir:z aaa==su=,Q..I~^: the :seaiyaerr, a <br />• .Carpormmtian or Asav^ciation, ar. J~half of the Corporation <br />ar ^ Aeatsei~tirsn= <br />Fial l <br />ItY.'ISB ~ hAnd ,~: atotarial Seat at ary cffiee in sated. <br />t~yety at ~ ?~ ., this 1Qt}J day of F~bxuSZY ., 19 81. <br />__. _ neMie~ae~t~ Hatary ?ubiic ;i <br />~ sat# S~aires: < <br />i~wagt 1, 19d4 <br />~t'~1 <br />