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R~ ~~ ~~_ u~oso <br />ta•mm of fall payment and crnttp$a~r with the cnndk~s of a mortgAga <br />t by Cfiar2:es_M. Ha5t7IigS a7sd Karen T. H85t1I1FjHr eHCh in his x71[2- her. Qdi rirt <br />a~ spouse az eac3t other, <br />!t; TI~Id-13QUITA$I.E $LTILDI?3C AIdD L(31t,'ti ASSDCIrtT1QAl C3F CRAI@F? 1Si:AI~lD; ~I~i1RASY~; on tXse <br />#oEiosving dsxtfbed ~, to-wit: Lot 'Ct~o (2~ i.71 Sluck '2~nty-Six f~6} in. Packer ~7c3 <br />Barr's Serxrsd Rdr3ititsl FA the-City of Grand-Island, <br />Bail Cwnty, I+1~raska. <br />which said mt~tgage bears date 22tx2 day of June 19 77 ,and <br />is recasded in ~ of mortgages cm Yage <br />~t Ido. 77-t}93415 <br />of-the rn$rdx cd Hall Cutstty. ~:ebrasta. saisf :#ssoeiation itcreby acknowledges full satisfaction cif aad reuses the <br />In wttrtess whettb# the saad 1'II£ EQCiITAfsLE tiL°ILDItiC; .-~[tiD L4;~\ :1,SStJCIATtO\ OF <br />S;RR,1lD ISL,4.aID, ~E$RASi:.r+, }tas caased this ittstrumettt to lxr .,.R~Yi !re ;ts Pmsidecrt .iud attested by its <br />Secretary thb <br />1?th day of :'ebrt.ittry ,~.ll.. I9 gi. <br />!~ ~ and imou7 A~atc ts# Citrand ls8~nd, Palutaia- <br />Itv -- - 4~L- ~, <br />~- ;~ - ~ <br />/" . Secretary James W. (]lscxl <br />+21~+F iY-4?i-F - <br />tW{7U~ti I ~ Hel.i. ~ ss. <br />t?n this 37tts day of F~~Y .1.D., 19 8l , Ixfrne nse, a ~trtary Public <br />~}" tanttrei~ued amts 4 fnr :and residmi; in said cvuMV, jxrsvnalty came R.E. R178tiY1 a71d <br />r2 ii.. p~.~7t <br />t8 rnt iataartt hl fta t6p ideatl~cal nets wfrose aneaet .ue ::ffise<1 to the above re as Pres~idmi arm Set,~etary <br />oiF'-:said ±l+e said fs~tnra+e.,t r., t... *[~.- rfl¢a:.ta:: ,A.~ ~tul imed :rcrri the vo~nttasy <br />~_and dlyd ~E t$is ? FPI'ABI.E Bl}tLDWC AID 1.C31-.ti .~.S.SOCIAI'tflN OF G1tAlYU LSLeAtdD, <br />W tmY Iaeod and etatarutl seal the day aad ,~ti~c~a-r^ l~a`st xtxwrs writ6en, <br />.t" -' 1 <br />~',~ ~.r_ <br />^nrtr+ !'lr~tary Pttbtic <br />~....i <br />~~IAI~IAI~ ~~ <br />