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<br />td# 1I4 tiisk..r+ draft _hr maul} amt a-w~ritfY tratdr Hx tiditlhmnt u# tlreh c:wanaotx aad a>rrtx:nrants Itcrcin a~nntnirtad. and all prurrai~mv of thrn hard rrl <br />t grrd dWi# Senn Ira xad.trr kwadupt opus the hrws, rla~utrxs, adcrtintntrat.trs, swans, µranHxs, Icwv:s aml aatsgtns u( the partier hemlrr ras#wti:lrrely. Arty <br />ss4i`trna~r w--ifgn: tlty# .~i- Yrast ar€ tFk v++¢u#ss nlsaA !+r armsirwvt as. ptnral wM~re apps»prbyfe. <br />a5fi -Each: ay~ the undxr'epurd_ {wre#rY -wades the right i.. a•tairn :ray damp Itx Uefpass, injury ar anY fort +~casurrted by per rcsullinK it+rm tha nrterci~ by thr <br />#Addr+~.>fi. t#F--rgg9rls-etrKtf Itersroratet .+r asY. ?irrrnpr. in esarei*e my c ripJis the #4rtdnx !> luvrein tCrwited. ur anY ulher ri~lt! !fiat the Ht>idar has tx mny <br />#sasc, n. t~ c;trot ;sauufitcd irY law. <br />tO# #nraha#rs>W t+u wrierrt ~rata#e<1rtY .+t say tvuwitaM haaetin shat3 ruu aPiexi tM ratiditY uttd arthxceat»lity of aaY other Prortsirrtts. <br />,a...Y va! t^~~.:.. . ~'-.hY- ~ t~rc~.~ '~° °~.-:t t9- r:.-~sn +~ tttA:~ „u~tr ,xra+t~dfT. L+as'rrtriary +Eta!! 4e €nt4E4sd- icr al! cempsuaetft+a.. sw~da. ~~-- <br />:erhrr t+.+'+urets therriar sad apply stet-sanse-<xtslid-iw~htea3sea - -- - <br />lMi tt assY .,~ ipr undrstaPpad:u a macrindporwa. ha-rePn~aesnr and irarraAEa Hurt this itntrrmrent has bees eservtai 6n his behalf, and t'ur fits sub rtuifaaParatis- <br />te~aa&btrts-nit app tNt Aa-7t+ts-nutxse+.~as~. Yoe )rime ss wrratY `~rir annttiar. but t#ut he- is the ®wrower heravteder: -. <br />t H...-€s~crrnt-x~-+~trra#i-ia t~ #wrt'ssrnsanss-+sf asty asf; the- fcrmsas~-rsinditians ul' this Oaad at Truss es the truce. se4~ured ttY it..Ilia 9careftctsrR X11 _be _ _: - <br />edts#ttyl ist tuisuesfbt#e ps~aYrat'>f the pruparcy above deui-ritied. - - <br />H1#-f~ ~5~. Ttreslat has exerwtrd tha iced nY'?ruxt t#re dsY >t~ Yaar P6ar abo+re w~itten~ <br />ilC1tPP/Fr/ Irl Tile' ~)Ir'Jr"rh'Y rr/.' <br />_ y/~f _..____.___~.______ <br />.~ rrrrr :.J <br /> <br />rrYF(Or $omrwer <br /> ~ ,{~~ tSEAkJ <br />rrurrar 8[rrkrsver <br />YLA3'LR 4L;WG."ri~ f <br />StAft (lt- NLtBNASKA <br />~J vs <br />YAEaa_I~3,~~ dar' ;rt ,r(~,,~rr~a7t r/ t`7_5~...__, persiwsdY appearrd txfore ore __,~f.~tt:tY_~_~~~-/~~° r <br />~~~ _y~,~,~r ~5t. P_,~, ~t[.St.xf qp r" _ _ _ _ he +a'• ;~- t~. ma lsnrrwn to be tM idmt~id pereans-yarned <br />as ar9d x;ut e~'nnird t#x Fatcpert4gr f>taal .t# trust, asr6 i£oxcait~ asirno+vis~ted !ta rErcurrcu+ tM:rcot i.r tx phis! itcart ItM~r# tree anei rashrMUp arr aAd decd. <br />?SEALJ <br />~'~tla <br />fi,11~ W <br />_..._ -- ---..._...r <br />~ i <br />idY r~:Mtmrswas erpxec ~..__L...~._: '~'`.- ,.__ _._- .... _..___.. <br /> i <br />r~ <br /> w. <br />~•: <br />~ ~~.. <br />' <br />~'~ ~~ <br />t <br />f <br /> <br />r <br />f <br />f f <br />~ <br />L. ~__ <br />.. <br />..; <br /> <br /> ~'. <br />g ~ ~ _ <br />"` ! ~ <br />f <br />~ { <br />e F i <br />{ <br />3 $ <br />{ F j{~ <br />a { <br /> <br />rrvrr •-rrtsr Y/ <br /> ^+t <br /> ~ e~ <br /> <br />s CSa a7 rtr <br />_ '~ <br />t <br />i ~ ~' ~ h <br />` <br />-- ~` <br />.-~ <br />R <br />N < <br />~. -rs c <br />~ L7 <br /> E~ ~ ~~ 1te <br /># fit, <br />1~ <br /> <br />.~ <br />1 ,. <br /> <br />=3'r i3 fix '7 <br />~' _ -'e ~, <br />,~ ~ - rb <br />, ~ 3i. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~ PV <br />""'t <br />t~sr <br />U1 <br />~' <br />i <br /> <br /> <br />,~ <br />'~v <br />