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<br />,.... 5', ~', ~. <br />fWtfman and Felton & YYoN, 14aiton. tN. fiB461 <br />8I .o- i.}E10'79~ <br />' ~ ~,"t'~~?- r„ ~~mrarr:cnx a„d GI~~. ~. ~~4~?51, ht_aahaaxcl and wife, ga+vh <br />~i ~ Ilia d~td tl~er tdi7[l rahC, . G. aka, ~ ~,`~euer ar ia=~e: <br />;~,.~- ~It~E& THQ~J~NI! EZ'V~" HUNDRE- DOLLARS ($7, 50U. Q0) <br />i , reeetpt of which ie hereby ackta®wledg~, costveps to <br />R£}C'~R L. ANNt)IiFt^~(}Fi and 2~ARE'd L. A~]DERSON, . Granteeis. <br />huataand and wife, <br />azs jet tats ~ rt~ ae tatsaata in comsams, the follawinq describ¢e3 real estate (aa defused <br />is . Aee, mat, B 4t3-Z81} in Hall Couaty, Nabraafka: <br />Lot Five {5), Block Fourteen (14), Packer & Barr's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />~d1=:3RatSKA i"?t3CUN1EPdTARY <br />e i i~R4P TAX <br />Grasr a:ovensssts (jouttky stud severally, if more ±han cane) .gtth the Grmarteets tlsat t3razstor: <br />41} as 1>awl4xilp seised of sash ri:sl estate asut that :t ie free Tram encumbsanena <br />sub,~act tc;` easet~ents and restrictions of record: <br />t ~ rise regal go-xer anal iasvtui ~rtty to a:amrey the acme: <br />{ 3} rr~rrestt~ a~f *a~11 ~terd t#e true tc the r~ai cst: to ::g$xnst tlse Iaar€wl eiasms o€ at2 persons <br />ttL4 ._.,.7~ntLSY~..........~;5.,.... ls..~i <br />~`"" -~~ <br />~. ri~~~~ <br />O Arlrierson <br />- amaze-ad-a~ask~ <br />... . <br />~ ~i~~ ~~~.~„ _..~..._ <br />~: 'Plix~° "-iaai:rsrai sat-aslini ed €ct,e use ost .Tanuary ,/~ T}82 <br />Q i~ i3F.- A - <br />?ils~ .p;. ~_d ist itsriu«.~ 'lestles ~ .. ..................................... ... <br />at .,,:: ......fix. emd:r~ itt I~aed ~ ......................... ~~e .....,. ...:«::.« <br />r~ ru° ~ taassaty Clerk ... «•,., <br />t3egar of I- or lyaptaap Fft>&tter a~ l7iee,~s <br />