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<br />#.2 Revised 19?S <br />Huffman and Felton & WoB, Walton Ne. fi84b1 <br />..~` ,~®INT '~RIAN~Y W'Ag2RARiTY I~~~D <br />~T,~; 1;, B~gSt)}tt:.. a...singl~..persoa..., Grantor. whethea one ar mare, <br />............................ . <br />'I"~rE;!TTY-isSisllT TT30LTS:iR'L rI4I3 HUNbR>/B ANII NO/10a'Tki5 I30LLAFiS <br />........... .... u ................... . <br />is consideration of ...... ~.~-`~~'=~.a~B~'~B.#..• receipt of t~hich is herby <br />Pct}r`' _,. SLy°L~ anci .SI~~*I :. S~:I-,,LY, <br />................husband and G;ife <br />acltnowiedged. cameys to ......................... .......,............................. Grantees. <br />ae joint tenants sad not ae tenants in common, the fallrneing described real estate { as defined <br />iftlt Each. Aev. Stat. ~ i6-2Gi? in His F t ..... Gcunty. Nehraelta: <br />.......................................... <br />w.}snarly c}n~.,_Ha.lf' %~~ ~ o:' Lat: Soven (r is in <br />31.*acic NinN f:y-'I'hr+ae ~~ ~) of" ribs Original Tawas, <br />n3s~ i;it;y ref ;rand ~s'~a;~c3, hall t~ounCy, Atebraska. <br />Grantor covenants t jatntly and severally. of more than one) with the Gratatees that Grantor. <br />sub'ect: to <br />4 i) :a ?aswfully setaed of such real estate and that et as free From encumbrances .......~............ <br />a max Via:;*s r~ (,;omre rcit s~ ~t ~yYn~;y tetra Loan issoaiation of <br />:19J~~i~t. ,`~~~?r:{:'s'.~.,t'' .~~4k3~'Cl ,.,{t,-.a tz *i? f~i~-i~f:..I?~..~i?~..e~~~~,r`t.~:@.~: <br />+~t` i}Hecl.., ~i.;?1 su.,e:;=, ?~rbr:t.,~ta, ..., ~;Ie° ,. ,, _..a~ account a£ ~2?,~tiQ,00; <br />?.) has teal pourer and lawful authority to cttnvc-v the ,ame: <br />( 3) warrants and well defend the t.;tie to the real estate ~gaenst the iau~ful claims of all persons. <br />- -r *--, <br />~ `~ 7 ! <br />riE1Yi pTiRCF+Et) <br />State of :Yet:sa®ka <br />(:ottnty of ..i:,cl.........,. <br />The ioregaing itsSirumrnt 5k a5 aritnowlyd~ed ~eFore me cn •. -• ,, <br />...........~...,.. ............. . ......a..... <br />%1~"~t~ %2~_ x31:5~t,"_r 3 szn =tee ,,~*tr.~,,,e3 <br />ht3 ................................s..........,. ~.....e..,...-..................._........................................----.. <br />Vacar}~ pui}iic <br />j ~~a~! <br />~4~ ~~ h1~~gASA <br />Cot~aexp ot ................................. <br />Piled for recaed acrd entered in wtumeres:ai Index on .............................................. <br />'`.Vf':.-'~t~.r7E{3~'~iUla'f ~i~iA(~A. <br />j ~w~ i~:~, r~~3 <br />1{~ ~ `jam H <br />ai€ ..... r'ci:9ck ...,.Hai.. arui recorded en Ih~d Itecurd ......................... I"aga ......,...,,...... <br />I3yt ......... ..... ..... ....................... <br />tQ°ountj oar ltepetty Caaunty fvtPr>f <br />£tegsnter r.t l~eetir# ar IJelrt+ty ;lei{t:tt.=r ,zF l}peels <br />