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<br />T;t9 INIDEA7ITT&E, meb W6i i3th _ doy of rebrtar~--- • Ig 5~---• bg °~ }~`!aer'. <br />Bradley G. Titetan and Donna L_Titman, husband and wile, each in his and her ocm right <br />3Ad a~3t)+-itSSf' oi.~h~_2~.5 --------_,_._.~_-____~_..__.__-- <br />~ ;ia1i _ Covaty, ;i3ta. ~ air-~. sac! Graad. istaad Tract Caaslcany of Gtaral 3alstrd. a t~psatioa <br />tetd umtkr the Soave of !ieftraeS® with its 1~oPa office emf plain of btaa:tms a Grand IsSotnd. Ne~ta, o 8e~ <br />WITNF9&E'Cff: That jai rsrttpgar -5 _ . ~r arsS tae emtt~erat~ of t~ sum of .. - <br />_ Ten T'::ouvattd Si_ct~• Dt:tlars artd ~t7/laL~ ********_*******~*x** IksSlaxsla :O,tI~U.OB !. <br />tae reeeept of which ie hwrby acttaawlad~d. da . _-_. tsy them peeeents maregage aid war-sat uaW aebf am~a~8s t~.s assess. <br />.:vt. mss'? <br />Issuer. at! tM following deaeri6ed real mtata, sittntad in the Couaty of __ _._1fr3...'.1._....____.~__ - - `^".`~ ,µ.A~ <br />cad `3tate of Ysataalta, to-wit: <br />?.ct T~e*tt-.-T"r..,_ ?? °. .. 5 -.:bcti...,ian, ..<:S2 ._.--..- '?ehrask3. <br />Tugstlser w:th all lwatiag, air mociit.marng. iiehtcrut, aid plumbing equapmaat atuf futures. inc{uding srreeaa, swniags, stare wiadowt sad <br />#~ra. sad vriadm shaa'~ x GSiadn, ..Ya ;sa tx is e~Zt~i;an wtth cast pro~rty. ~ta~t.§er the Rams are tuna '_.~telt on ~! pnrperty =n ta!realfer <br />plorad ttrerswL <br />mr~ ust' yeah-tx: ua~~ rlfg tAt±!F. r ~_~+Yirh :<<! ..tii std; .~ t~ t._*~, h_: _lit. aa~i ~gurteanar:s.~•..t.. 6e- <br />ieagiag, or is saywiaa eppertainiag. forever, and warrant the title to ehr. Rattle `lied nuxgaRar ::~- hsrrhy <nveaaat with said <br />maregagea that -._.... `. he ::_ :~ r' . at the delivery hereof. ttr~ )awful nwner `' .tf the prwrursa c9rwe eran+nyed actd described, <br />~__~ a f2_ saz€ed ut a good zed ua;le Mate .~f :atxrnaa+~ !hsrnm. frre sad ct~r ,et al! =snumbraacza. ami chn -.~ bed+-_._ will <br />•_*a_Ra=t red did the title thevvsto forever egsusst the clsimn and d.Kxxcuia of iii pcr~s whrnn.irvHr <br />pRQYIDI3I) AI.W AY5. sad this eaatruamat u eiecutad sad .i+ebvernd w sarat~ tt;r paymerex .tt [hr wum <d .. _ _.-.. --- <br />_i ='n `~hGtaS:3nii ~LXL'; ~..:^ ':~C!+ :ii - ~y.~:^.. -~~. ~z .. r:'-r.xz rblldrs .3 ':r~i.?. ;!) -..-_ _ ~. <br />_ _ _ _.. . _- ,- 3 <br />we,h t2#~eet taareoa. together with such charges aant advances as may its due aid payable w Rani 2rlrtgArttt uea3er i.ha terms sad rondttiaas <br />of the paemiaetxy Hate trf cuss date tseeewreh rid secured trercby. ~zetvtext by ~ti rn[rrtgagrer :~ ue cant rnurttagee. payataie as eapreaseaf <br />En e~ Hate, sad W 5esttte the psfat'faaaoe at at! the tai'ma sad coaditioaa coratatemd ttretsea The cbrrts at satd nine ere Fxretsr rmurparated <br />1 by tam rals~. <br />it m tdos+~+-~ ~ cad t~earrt~ of tae girlies iwaeto that the mott~n shall e}eo se~vts say future advaacaa tmria m aabd arstcpytm'...i_ <br />by ate! -carts. ~ s:Y are! zil ^~ts~~n sn a3ditxm to ttu• aa~uat et+3ve sts~vf r,ht~t. slut arutgsatc>rs. ~ any ,tt them. auy os~ w <br />ateeeS ttssrt~gae, ftowever sridaatad. w}aattAer t+y rule, hmk account =u e,thersute. This aa;.~Ygsgr. shat rensnue m tu73 ftttce arui effect hetwera <br />tae pettisw IreeeUt aid taint hints, parasuu4 tetuavae. suec:~eaors and samgm, uatsi all amwrata Rtc[:tte91 #tastirler. itrludtr~ iirutm <br />a$vawme, ate paid in fait with iutatwt. <br />Ttx moxig_4 ___ haeahy amtQet W sent ~ at! ;eats nail uttxtme ariaiag ae any seat all Hama from »td prnpRty and <br />y .tttl~a s is age, ac :a ,~~. upstxt de#ault. *o title chugs of .~ prttlxartp aid i~nleact alS ream arsf ramsne <br />tam a~ apply tae aims w fix psrymsert of tatertat, ptiaripai. ittwarsare Fremit.~, trim. sta. regatta or rmpeouasnte <br />neaeastay to taesp sad ptoptety is teaaota68e xanttitiun. sr W ether eturgee ~r pieymaatc ptovided fnr hcein ctr is the [fate henak>y serurer3, The> <br />t1a~ f stud! Csersam m €ote vati! the "~ fi-f.m of eau! m[e fs fully paid. 'The taking of puaaeasaxa hawurraer ,hr{{ ~n file manner <br />path ar tekaad avid tnotigttilae g the a aaiti tatnao tty ttft~einsssea ar otbarwme. <br />i'he atiltae of too nttrrte to ateerc say cd its ftg3tta +~=mar at any tfam eaau sot 6e ciafuaueri. as a waive of its right W assert the <br />~sixea ~ arty it~a. sad 6a i sad tKtfatee strict c~-,mpliaate weth rt[ the terms aid prav:aiotta of said Hate apd of this tmerytak-t. <br />ii sad r:~ siafaf utaae m i>a patd to mid raurrBq{es the +mum amnrtat dtte it tfereuader, sad wader-the tsrnas amt prevtaaxns <br />of mid note leMaby eftenaed, irreatdiog furors efdvaacse, amt say extmarom car rfinewem thereof in stY<a'done'a with the terms and pmvismns <br />titateat, attd ~ cad _3._. ~ oa>afdy a-itSt all tae prevsrgea of said trots aid d this mortgage, ¢aest rheas preaeatn etl~f lx vouf: <br />es~arwlae ~ emafata a Soem oed t;gett. sad need taunts a#a[16e eraitlad w t~ poasmaton of all of said pmpaety. end cry, ~ its aptiaa. <br />tLreiMe tdrs tdleia t$ ass Hale and a$ ` sepreeted to be iaue.d' t.fY dne sad payebte, emf may taraetcre Isla rtortytrfga <br />s Sale ffaryr eitlrae iogsi actiaa to ptMeet't its rigftt.. 4pprauemeat waived. <br />~a t~ 1h11 btadmg srgxn a9d ebatl aatue t;.a the naeafit of the heal. eist7traffx, admmflrttat<e=s, sutaeaaorn sad iaatRns of fhM <br />To^ hfrnale. <br />Ifi SM i'f~fSS85S6 WHEaBA6, aarc! ~1t~H - ha :,:~ tareanW era, t tueic .. hftuaf :;- _ Ills day Bad year Cu,t rtxwa <br />~- ~ ~E. <br />/j <br />.riJ{a~` it =~ f <br />t:;9nnei tte :: <br />i~ <br />