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_ ? ~ _ <br />__ <br />- _ <br />* S2~A-REAL ~'8TA7E M4WTf~AiaE-t With Fax Clauul Rev. ~i~, ~~ ~ s7 }~ ~ Huffman and Felton R Wufl. Walton, Me. 8N4fi1 <br />k <br />x~row r4LL ~~T at ~rxEST•; i~sEtv~rs: That mod-Continent Raceways, Inc., a <br /> Nebraska Corporation <br />o£ Hall County, and state ca£ Nebraska . in cvnsideratian of the nun, of <br />', One Hundred Tyro 'Z`taausand rive Hun dred and No/IOC? { $102, SOO.00 } DoLLe+xs <br />itt ts~nrt pAid. sift hereby SELL axx# L3M'EY unto $ank Of Flonlp~lan, Doniphan, NE <br />~ Hail County, state ~# Nebraska the £~u deacriibed premises mated <br />in Hail Cnunty, at~i StafT a£ Nebraska , tt~•~tit: <br />.~ tract of land comprising all of the Northvrest Quarter of the <br />Sauthwest Quarter {NEST except the Westerly Fifty (50,.0) <br />Feet thereof, ai? in Section Z`hirty-Four {34): 'Pawnship Ten <br />{iO~ North, Range Nine {ca ), West of the 6th F.M., in Ha11 <br />Caunty, Nebraska, said tract containing 3$.7E? acres, more or <br />iess <br />- ~ Em,::atesstiun isesn; to *=rnvr~• heresy :rsa cah-x,!u€e :tsi.• :a, ir•~~ ,:mpt.~ .nei v<tinF ;;,: :}ae n~ht,~ s£ hvmt~tead and sintRer. ? - <br />_ Tf) ti~ttf: ~#tii) "t,t} Ht}i D € >rms -, stn-, st~.# ~ t -h ~ptvri--maces thereuntn heiungi~, ur4a the ssd <br />ms:r4aaRc~trs xnd t. Fa:q, hYr ..r .sr:rR .ar..: .s.. s_... r.•ter .. r.,,:ris-el ;s. ..:- ,€nd .'.-•,se "ssm~nL are ergsan the es¢teat ~ :; <br />c:arsdttsc,n !hs::f rhr aed :'c.~rt;u?yzn~t+t. hi ~. ..rr ~., ,.wsr I4e•ar+- ,. to .s _z:rv: .e4ntsn;~iraz¢r5 ,a__.„_ ~[la€'1 Pay Ur s'11nEe to he h} <br />Paxt to !!se ,axi rnartgarzw tr, hi'E- €ser ~.r snru . -autr=r~ ~~3.#snanzoratt,:-~ air ;uv;s~ns. ;:ae pcsnc:Pai sum o#.S i02, rjOQ.~" f __ <br />t <br />Pa5•ab€r as toiit:wx, to wat. Framissary gate ~ ~' vIIS ~:iatA di:,E October 1, 19$1, ~ j - <br />i~P~ interestr I <br />I <br />j <br />': <br />i ,. <br />:' <br />wxb , .>a~rFn::xc.<_vrs5uyi to t. ;.•aur :xn,; ..€t •-.; :.. ...,. ~ea„~etf x:::~rc ,.r.=..en ;~n,raa..~.r~ n:,te !~nrsaar <v7•n <3atta with these prtaeab <br />..xrrx. ;^~A3t ;a~sx ~i! 'sze5 .taus :e w.~n_.::'-- ., .. .. a.a :~~ae ~,..a+'. ,,.,._ .i: - *h+,°r -xawK. ":esx3 and asfrressneen!$ levied upon this <br />-~sriza r ,rr =r... s• ~!~ra.== 5# ..r•r:-~s,. ._ .-„ - ..-. ,... ,.,.~ ..,: -..,:..,. .~;rsr,~~ .r,#~;:fent. ;is'ad M1rep the iani{diniSa €rs <br />wext ; ....- , ..~.:.s '.:r ;., u:a. -, .....,-,. .aa. r,.a4~.l:se t,....r .asc€ mortRattc e. ?hen thear presents <br />u+ .,o u,x. ~a3,rrw~aex _..s ,~ssuen -.. 'vii ,.,.t. <br />i't' i : ? ~H7~€-d€~:€Z if.€?[~. t:t) :.. s, ?t:.• ,~.Ha ~,... rc#~ a ~.: a ,n,au ',as; a. e ,.s, ., ::t€r...~ :rc.r-ure .uch inmrsnr_r, the <br />a...tiiXt T,!rt 9P,'t`"~'tx , .... f. it ,. t vt. -1..4 r.Jn i. e'. Sq. -,.t •i'n s, t. 'ar;. eqi ,vfttl :PfeiwN2 .at i~'~ Per <br />.-rnt, stag I - r•*,saas ,zr sas rt _:sia,r .rr~f •F, ~ ms~rt; :t„F gyn.-. :: ,-t ~n.t ,. -.u.... r tf::~ a,.trr. .., ~Fhat a tnilure to P8y sny - <br />. , <br />r~# +flt!t °'- <-#a%er yzr}Ias-:szy --r _n.e s, - h'}S['[r ~ne~}t' :x I _r :i Vie <br />~r t .r.!- ... ,x?naP,e -.c•]t }] :~tFIV :r£ the €rlr6'Qeltt~ :- <br />a,~sx-t~smsx +.. six!! .~aa:m at:e ~s!...,~ _sn.., ~:<.,.. .,.rr:.. -:eizsr tt ~., `tx ,...e ....r -ref -,:.~a a.b€fl ?t ,erase at the aPtmn o£ the <br />sxssa~rltaSert•. <br />:Sid-fis+i is'i33 ?V•tl; AV ~_, `~vi'i3 ~y .J ~~ <br /> .._,..~:;~R sync: rs~ aaG oir~y v, ?"nc. <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />~, ~ *---- sec I F reas <br /> _ <br />~'TA`PE£~F.wBC€raska.. {~ountv,pt +Xail. <br />- T'!3e ~ttreY®tng ini3[:.uXtent wat. <,t~it:sttwfed~;eti s~l tsza; .:.a " ebZ'LidZ"'=J - ~,. - . - ... ... i9 ..$1 ~~ <br />b~ ~er-Ea- tu~ea~bt~r~t, .€:t .=.u ~ .~ar_ ~. ?ates, Secretary-I`reasurer <br />~;~` ~:d--Oo^.t~nezst Race~aa;s, _^e. ,_-._.._ <br />; - <br />la s j <br /> ~ ~ <br /> ~~ <br />- <br />' <br />' <br />.. .. - <br />t <br />.- ~.-liaYl~MOMa <br />~ , -2i ~7i <br />~niniZ - <br />iiauit <br />iw <br />icr~~ciat <br />. <br />-. #!~,ziil. <br />( K M <br /> <br /> ~3CiE <br />~-s~tafy _ - _ ... <br /> <br />Fs[teted rn caumr+ris~i inciai atxl film for reeard ~ - <br />in t.€aY (te~istur of T}a~rfa ()€litxa ts£ +asxd C'ouatp 4ire <br />__---. .- -s,'cinc$ aaci.....-.. -.... inmates -..1i.. - <br />at stt._ _ .._ _ <br />