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r <br />S ~ °Q Ct ~'7 ~ ASS ~ ~At ESTAi'E MoltTG-ACsE <br />IN C(31V.SIDERATIt1N of the payment of the debt named therein, Dial Finance Com Q' :e~raeska~ <br />hereby releases the mortgage made to the above named company by <br />j~_,~.~hstL„ ~~=ngw,e..y~,,.,-ann _on the fallowing described real estate situated in <br />i£a17. County, State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />i~at j.atl { ~~} _n ~? oc~ ~:i~ht {g} , iez ,3ca3'£f Addition ae C ~ i;y cf Grazzd island <br />ifh:iialr.;ti~ tC. $0~0016'i`t~ <br />whu:h is recorded in Book--_ __ of the records <br />of ~~; ~ ~.. County. <br />IN TES1°Ib4rONY WHEREOF, the above company has caused these presents to 6e executed thfs 'C: day <br />~rl~. DIAL Fi E CQMPAN~~__ ,.~~ ---- <br />~l--~~-- <br />~~ <br />By- <br />t ~r~ <br />31'AfiE OF NEBR KA ~ ss. <br />~~ ~.,t,_-,~ _4:Ax•a~ __, IS-.~1-, beforr, me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and far <br />t7n this--;- day of . ' -_._ <br />sedd County, personally came the above reamed ~ ,.. ~ .:A`•;°r~,-3-~: ,.",._.~ ~~" who is <br />personally known to me to be the identitsai person whose name is afftzed to the above instrument as attorney in <br />fact for Dw1 Fsnanee Company 'tar, ri_ '_ , _~= ',r-ac~r? ' , a='n _ __~gAtxks~ d~F° and he acknoudeafg~d <br />>^±~ inatr[ssnesrt to be hic a©lunfary act and deed as attorney ire fact for said tympany and that tine above Release <br />of !lead Estate 1<4'ortgage ums signed in behalf of said company pursuant to written authority fror+c the mortgagee, <br />whisk authority is recorded sn .-_.---- ' 4' ' --_.-------------- ------ County. <br />Wi#smess my leased and natartal seal ai _.__- .;-_-~.~.="ss----------------- ~+ 9' <br />KA eM.EEM K ea6t <br />aba~sse u~itter„ MNasnan.~mastt®! <br />!~y cr,;rtmessaon eZpileB-.._ -__ :Votary P+~4W <br />STATE ©F --___ --_ --- <br />8t. <br />_ __ _ __County <br />Entered an :lrumerieal Index and fled fur record in rise ot}ice of then Begistcr of Deeds of said vu=-,ty, the . <br />dam, of _-,_- ___._.~- 19--. at ---__.-- a'cloek and -_`~ minutes <br />_-~__ 3i.. and duly reworded in Bonk of _~ -Dfartgages page <br />Caarsty <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />