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t <br />i <br />--t~(1gJi'~`S~ - , <br />32-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE--(With Ya>c Claus? He; Nufiman and Poifnn & Wbif, Wait00, fk b8462 <br />xNCEw .nr.r= ntr~rv st •rxrsr: r~RF;s>:.vTS: •rt,at Jon 0. Thomsen, a single person, <br />-', of Ha 11 County. and State of Nebraska . in consideration of the attm of <br />Seventy Five Thousand and NO/100---------°---------------------------°----`-- mLLnxs <br />in bans paid, do hereby ss~r, and cor:vEY nnin The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand <br />islana, Nebraska <br />of Ha 1 1 County, hate. of Nebrd S kd the fotlowiAg described premises situated <br />- iA Hall f'nnnty, and State nt Nebraska , to-wit; <br />The Southerly Seventy-Two {72} Feet Of Let Five (5} Block <br />Seventy Five (75} In The Original Town, Now City Of Grand <br />Island, Nall County, Nebraska <br />ANO <br />Fractional Lot Five (5} In Fractional 61ock Nineteen (19} <br />Of Kernohan & Decker's Addition To The City Of Grand Island <br />And Its Complement To-Wit: Fractional Lot Five (5) In Fractional <br />81ock Nineteen (19} Of Palmer's Subdivision Of lot Number Seven <br />{7) Of The County Subdivision Of The Southeast Quarter of The <br />Southwest Quarter (SESSWaj Of Section Sixteen (16} Township <br />Eleven {11} North, Range Nine (4} West Of The 6TH P. M., All <br />In Hatl County, Nebraska. <br />Ttse intention Ereinu to rc:mr•w hfmi?v .+n :thsulute• tale in tee ~impie. including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />- Tf3 ri:il-'E :l :ti F3 'FY3 r}i)t.ll ;h,= nrr-rnt!x.~.4 aiwv+, ,le~~rit>E. i, w+th all the appurtenances thrreuata tse}ongar:g, unto the said <br />ronrtE;aeeeay! :urd to t:,±. het =+r :hr+r ter-+rr <.nd assrRns Earever. ~ rrrvrded :uwayx, ztrur these preseAts ere upon the eSpr~ <br />' s~randit=srsr zh¢t..t the ;a1d ^rnrr?gaKOrt s!. hrs. her ~~r 7helr her rx. r•tetvtots, aritninistratora or assigns snarl pay nr /8[dae t0 be <br />raid zn the :card rnores;axr~et.+. tees, her err thc+r hr+rs_ .~xei.ttors. sdnttnistratars or assigns, the principa} earn of $ 75,D0(1.DD <br />pa}able ;xs IntEows, to w!t: <br />Fifty-Nine {59} Monthly Installments of 5905.54, Including <br />Principal and Interest Commencing April 1, 1981, And One Final <br />Balloon Paymen*_ of 570,651.27 Due And Payable on March 1, 1986. <br />Lender Will Consider Refinance. <br />nn +m -- t -tc ~ r,iit.# o tt. n ,tn + f -*- t h •rrort;;agurr wrilteA prrrmi*rnt,ry Hale bearing even dale with these presents' <br />aaxd ~cnall xv -tit ar au3 ~-- -•cn rz -i i :.ti _n ut r+nl e.: t.ste. arts :di other taws, levies and assessmrnf8 }evied upott this <br />rnc~=tt;aXe +r if++• mar wtsietr thv mr.;tr,ar, >:t rn .u ~e+vn•_ ?rr•{ara :hr ,suers frec~Arrs delinquent, and keep ttlr bttildia=s as <br />- sued :rrrnerw•a .neun.3 for thF Burn ,t 5 75,ODD.QQ ,ass. +t an Y. ftayahle to the said tnortgsgee, then these prexnfai <br />:,~ tm ;.+. ,. ~:hrr•xr5e- ;..; t;r :.nci ren.ern .r: tu,f isxrcz• <br />}'1' i~ l•'t-E{'i'Et.F:i{ :1t:t{E::;11 !Y~ i"hat il rani rnunga k„r ,hall inei to twy -uch taxes ur procure such instaraAce. Lhe~ <br />~u,+s tn<+rt+; .;,,a, !__... ~,s :,r.-.rurr ~ui~h oe,ur¢ua r, .,r,d the gum w advanced, with interest atsixteen per! <br />~~us_ shat2 's,e r,•teaid by ~dsai ^rarrti<ak3~e, yarut tiu± au.rttaxr .haft -itasai .m runty fior the ssma_ ;2} i'haf a revues in pay ~ i <br />~i ~,:ud rr:<.n.,; •.Urer zurnr+lraE •,. :n€rrr->t, when rEtr -arnv !•. riur. .~r a failure to c~rnpty with any of the fotegoingj <br />- u~rrrnn•n4i. ,halt r:rusr t!x ,.hate um _-t an+ory ixrre•en xrarrr,+ to izetume due and cvtlectible ¢t sacs at the optioA of t}~; <br />ns..rr~a~=-• <br /> t!,ts 13th aa" "t February - trIIl - - <br />in im~tirr>z~r "t ~ - <br />.- ... ...._. ._....._ _.._.. ..._.. r <br />Jor, ~. Thomsen <br />~AT~ E)F . Nebraska <br />The €%arr:~oi^i~t,~*-ig'.., <br />,.-fir-; ~..• <br />11_ .. . . tip` <br />My "4ommiss <br />+.. <br />~'S',#' i}~' <br />- tlny,ndy -. <br />'~ rd, <br />sma r+xxrtxic,i .u r~t¢at_ <br />t`c,nrnty u! Hal 1. <br />~~?~~i:knuwledgec3 ~rFore ins <br />perSUn <br />~~~ <br />f <br />~:; <br />,tf <br />F~~rudt"y .13th 1981... <br />.' yya~..,~ <br />7 ' ~ /? - <br />~E}~ittturr ut~ E'er n Taking ,Elckattrwledgtrtent. <br />?~ , } ~- <br />~ C' <br />~TitlE <br />i <br />Eatrreri t,t, numerical terse: and ri}ard fos r,+rnrd~ <br />~. in the Roister of Deeds ('}fbt,s of said CnuAtq ths~ ~. <br />at oiiock a,xl._.. --miAUtra . rd> <br />at tom. _ ...._ <br />R+rg..,f i}sed.i <br />far. - - ~ - - - ~twry[ <br />r @- t <br />