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~"` <br />5'fATtJ UP' 1V1•;13AiAdtiA, Uottnty ot .............................._.......................: <br />Fited for record and entered is Piumerical Index on <br />................................................................ at ................ o'etoek ................ M., <br />anti recorded in Mortgage t3acord ......................... Page ........................ <br />............................... By ............................................................ ~ I -t.1 ti U 77 <br />['aunty stark qr Deputy t;auaty Clerk or <br />f;egi:;tcr of Drseda F?eputy ttegiater of ))coda <br />~~VP~~ ~ F 1~~ <br />Johti S. Morris and Teresa I. <br />Morris, Husband and Wife --------"' herr•irs ea€Icd t.hc mortgagor whether nne or more, <br />is consideration of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00} ____________________ <br />received fnsm mnrtgagee, does mortgage to Gerald J. Demuth and Lois L. DeIDUth, <br />Husband and Wife, as mortgagees, the following described property: <br />Lots Four (4} and Five (5}, Wade Subdivision, <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />.lad the moYgagCrr doer hereby covenant with the inortgagee xnd with mortgagee's heirs and <br />.essigna brat mortgagor is law€istty seised ,rf card promisee, chat they are trey. from eaeumhrance, that <br />mrn•tgagnr has gorrrt right xnd lawful authority to convey the sense, and that nsartgagor warrants and <br />wilt defend Lhe title to said prernis;ea against the Ixwful clxifna of aft persona whofnaervcr. <br />'Pt+is n,orfpfagr. is Ksven to aeeure the traymrnt of file prnsatuaory note of ttsis date made by <br />:~Orst;ayer.r for ~i3,000.00 payxbir monthly for the next five (5) years, <br />beginning l~~rch 5, 19b1. <br />.Ltort;;ay;rrr .hull pay xt! taxr•» xrsel xyaesifinentss €rvied upon lair. real property and alt other tazea <br />!:•v:er€ rnr r;rr; wort{(x}ye or the oats wtsinh this mortgage is given to serurr• hrfr}re the xxnse become ,talin- <br />a+r=nt ;,n:i xtea!! n:afntarn fire, windau~nn and extended n,vrrxur inaueancr rrrtlr a ntart{tage ciao on <br />fire #au<tauw, rnr ~ss4 prrsusaea rn t#e sous of ~` 'c0 , 000 . 00 - If mortgagor faits to pay such taxaa <br />.ttrd .r.,.r•sz<mrrrta nr tsrx•esre such urarsraur=e, rnrrtgnKre :nnv pay :rush taxer and t>urehaae arsrls insurance <br />and t;.r:- ;r m,.+uH so ad~`ancrrt wstl, rntrrr<i at urns freer-r•nt leer xnuum shalt br secured by thin mortgage. <br />ire r~n+r- of +€rfxutt ur t'fir trxysuart, z.P she istusrapal s,un or any anstaQmcnt ittes'euC or of env nrterext <br />,<r,~ro«us rt•hen fire same whxit her-rw,r• =dur• err ;n ex.<r of the nou~paysurrrt of any faze': or xxsesxmruta or rtf <br />thr• iar€rarr• tar o,.ri+atarn innurxnce as tessera #rrnv,rlyd, usurtgagrr may at the rrpiion of mortgagor, with- <br />,rut notice, xt any tithe durin5t the anHtinuxncr of ouch default ur breach, rtec}are the whole debt accused <br />i.i• this snnrtga#te to br imrnrdiatrly der and payable and may fnr~loae this mortgage. <br />€n t#rr r.rrrt of ,tefxssft ro the trrrfnrrxner of Anti r,f f€tr testae and cnnditiona of tt'ii8 moriRage or <br />tier note tre:rrrr! b} It. the +nant;xgrr .asati hr entstteri to immediate posaeaaion of the property above ,!e- <br />:r•ritrr,i rsnrt a#1 the rents, rrvenfsr anti tact.+mr dcrivett threrfrnm during such tune as the mortgage in- <br />detctr•+inew nnnainx unpaid sttalY be apptied by the rrsnrtgagee to the payment of Lhe note and aft other <br />susna scoured herelsq after dctltsetiorf of any neceswaey coots ~f enlts~tion. <br />Ilasc~d February ~ ° , 19 81 <br />i <br />_ ~n 5....:.,~i=r2s . ... _ Teresa 2.....P'torri"s •- <br />~7:tT t.tP \lrtat3aits~l. t'ourrti rf .. Ha,II ...._ .............._....._....._......... -: <br />t3rfore ras, a ttotatsy pHbtic qualified for srsui enunty, personally came <br />John S. Morris and Teresa I. Morris, Husband and <br />Wife, <br />knout to n,r to ha the ideaticai person err irrraous who signed the <br />€ui,ag :nsstrtnneat and acltnotrletlged the eseeutian thaxrof to he is as, <br />her or their botuatary act sad deed. <br />`J tY'..~aJ,u~ 2Q f`~`<~ <br />ttVitn~,a my head sad rrgtariai sssl~a ....~':,.....;,R ................~........._......_..,.... <br />X11: ` <br />.. . ..~'~.. ~!,...~~ ................... Nntsry Pubtie <br />'~ ~ ~ r , ~7 <br />~ eomeaiaaiaa ertpit~ ................ . .~.__ .... -.. 19 ~>'`~ <br />~~ <br />~r:errs *+- ~?~ttrslaisa :~ttatc tsar AxRCrciassrrn r'a"` • *'~ n"- ~"~`• ro.s~. <br />