<br />~ -- ~ ~~ ~ % i 1 1V9C}FiT~sACs ~
<br />Tf429 T24DEtiTUfi6. mrds ekis__.19t}? _--____~y of February,.----_..---__.__-. 19 ~~__, br and between
<br />f,rexory ~. #ehrint;_anc4 ?rarla f~.,-^te6rz.n~. hta?=b~nd_and taife. each in his and her nett
<br />r~~itt and as :i~t;use of ti:e other,
<br />~ tfa2 ` ~ ,County. Yom, as rtmrtgagnr _ s , a~ Grand !stand Tina. Company of Grnmd Eehtsad, a capert~bn
<br />ta~rr~-~ ~ ~iat#ag tt~ the ~ of Nehrsmka w~h its pri~trnsmi a anti piste of bueine~ at Grand Iet~f. Nis, ~ ~£~gne:
<br />WITNB>3.9E'CH: That satin ma_.-._g._ , far a~ is c~aidaeatson of tka ~m of ~_-
<br />'i`~en~. Thouaa~d Tueive and_NoF_iflQtha -.----------- --- 1~ 24_Q12.flE1. ~.1,
<br />ttr of wturb it beRby sckao~srkda~, do -_-- by chase presents moKgage end waraffi ~atarea`§f to stteulYlot'a-sad-assigns,
<br />fdtrver.agthssai:aw:agt#eecriftxdraniestace.aEtuatedinett^Countyof - Iia,..l.}......__...~.a'.- - _._.-. ,°.:,.-- -.
<br />cad 3tatr of F7etseuka, to-wit: ~ - ._.
<br />Lot Four {?,), in Block i?nt= (i j, in `ievas rir5t :icic:ition t. the City of Grand
<br />i4land, "?eia C~3ttrty, `1e!~raskn_
<br />Togscher wn.h ail hestinr;. adr camlitauuatt, €6!ttu.arg, and phuntseag e4uepttxstt and fisttuaa, secluding screen, awnings, starat windows and
<br />d~ra. a+?~ ..ids sb.efea t= !si?tsda. +~aad np ,s in c~eter%mn with saxi rnxs~ty. wfasher t_he ss_mg are sow !neatc+c! srrt said property or fta+atfhx
<br />pC~ed thsemon.
<br />TQ HAVF, ANSI'i'n HALO TH£ S:tM£, together .nth all and x+aguW- the tsenesnents. hetaditamenta sad appurtensncea-ttterdam.o be'
<br />ar is invxiie ~. farwvta, sad warrant r2te title to the .isms. seed :n€rrgagor V.... _ . - hey cmengtst __-.. wikk said
<br />taort~se lhst ?,. hat .:K_ y..t-. _ . aC the dadevsry hereo[, tM tswfvE ~rrner a of thsr ptalntasa above aoaveyed and dc~aerihed,
<br />~__-_uKS': _. - aeiztld of a gtlnd and ers;sih!e ~sie of iRtbrttanre tftesx+n. Erse! amt deer .u nd c.ncumbranacs, amf that _.t_he ~.-. wili
<br />wurmN: sad defend the title thersfo forever agautst !ha !amts clad demands of al! persona whataaoever.
<br />trt3F1YLf1Bf7 Ai.YttAYS. rvu! thty inatrvatati v esecutod and delivtuad W st~vre `_he psymsat aC the sum of _
<br />- _.. _... '- -_.~ I.
<br />Tttzrt[~r T"r+t~u~xnd T t .'.~r a+i ,__'3n i+l . E:t, [b!}ars+t U ~t Z, tai)
<br />__,____...d._ ____ .._ .. _- - - _.._ - -_ - ~ -_~_`
<br />m=ikh ae"1..leak Rhatan. tee with stst6 cisaetprs and attveaces ab mey be due ami payahie ea said :nortgegtr under the turns end evndiciane
<br />a€ khm pty iota of sxen dale herewith aW secured hereby. esscutad by ,std naart¢agar .. s. _. to wed rxwrtgagee. payable as eapresaetf
<br />im laid sott+, sand is aeettra kiss psaftst>S•raca oC sii the terms araf cuadisirms cvnxatned therrin. The tvsms of wid note sty beret>y ixorporated
<br />hT ihp torieaaee.
<br />tt is for self srreemvat a£ tl3a panties hersxo tit this mortgage sttaii afar aacvae any future adveraeee mode to said mortgagorS_
<br />b9 amid ranrtgagsr, sad ttnyY smd eH - ;_n eddittat to the amount allays stated wtrid, sand ntortgagora, or any oC them, may owe to
<br />said nrotte. btnreaet evidenosd. whettstt by nrste. book account or atherwix. This mortgage shah remain in full force and effect between
<br />the part6ea hoaatn sad thtar heirs. paraosai eap>ttati'ves. auece~aors and assign. until alt amwnte setvrod hereunder. inciuding futurn
<br />eds , aro psi in istii +dh znranrt-
<br />Tbe tnartgignr.S._ ttaatty samtttri _ _._ ttr yid marsgager aii Heats and irtcotne arising at any and ali times Erne said property and
<br />ItaRby atsthurQa said of ds aunt, at its option. upon detauit. to take charge of aao property and collect all rents sad intnma
<br />- sad [Ae sr®e rs tlar pmym~t of f~_t. pritttifaai. iruaarsr~ trim. a~•••m--~-. ;bpmira or tespravannasts
<br />T ~ ~@ and Rey im torraataWa ecsndetism, ar w catta• ctrarites yr fraYmemu prwufed for herein nr in the Dote hereby secured. 1`hia
<br />rest aCslt wasamtrr im until kks unpaki bomcs of said Hate is (oily paid. The taking nC pasayavna i:ueetader shall in ao manner
<br />i a< r~°~ szk! is tai is ~ said sums by fo.~:l;,~=s:.~e ;x ctkrs:risa.
<br />Tht Ssibskasi the to saarsut say aC i,e riu§ta §mmruiras~ ai any tome shai3 ncd he ~roastreusi as a wacver of its right W assert the
<br />sm~ ei aapr fuss time, rmd r:: insist upon and ;tnforct skrict ~~~spiiance xi~lz ail the tantss and provisions <d sasd note ead'erf thi mttrtgagts.
<br />tf ahmfl to be pao w said the sac=rn amount dstg it trreum~r, sad umfa the teems emi proveaiesns
<br />a< said eats 6aerf:p aaZmd, !aekmvog futtirs advtmctr, ami sag aa.Leaumna ar reaewais citerenf in accordemus with the forme and provtaeona
<br />ttsCw'.gl, asd ~ said _.3.._ ~ S` with alt t.km peov!ooas of said note said of this ttmrt{ptge, that these pteeatts tltmfi its void:
<br />ati to rs~7.fbie 6skr iros afed.e~mtt, sad aesd ahmik br eatitJed to for paaasmion of all of said property. and maY.. K its <rpt.fun,
<br />ds+Naau fiat ta~eim eJ min! seem cad ~ tsgeamsutad thsno) to be iinmediNaty dtte and payabhr, sad tnay foreclose this mortgage
<br />ae' tt+kir atiy adtee tt!pd tuaCeia- its ptn>vct its right. Appeal wai9~.
<br />3mir attmft br baedkry vsoa aaA shtdf awra to cite > of the heirs, e:eartore. sdminiairmtnrs, ~ snd aaefgas of the
<br />E lwseto.
<br />t1V gYfYi6tt Wt6.EAi~lY. sod ~ s- ~ .. ':.?e.!e•weumtu sat S.:u=.,i.[_--_-- hmsd .,. *_ha arxf ~amr first aMtva
<br />-.. ...._ .......... ....... ... .__ _. _..- --- ~~ti~~~~ ~ _.... _..._.. .. __
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