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<br />Asaa oa ~ <br />x;«to~t ALL 14EN ax :HE4E PRSSEN25, thatr~E lifl7Ei3A~ ShYINGS &.LOAM AS50CIAT.C~J <br />("Assignor") for good-and vmluable consideration to it in hand paid by the t4ebrasks xeirg~ <br />gays FinaA~ i~@, Drys=,iaed under the taws of t_~ie State of e"tea'zaai[a (`Aasigna+e'}. the <br />receipt of which canaiderAtioA is hrreby acknowledged, dose herehy aestgn, tsanrrfCefi, aui <br />sat over unto AASigaie~e aI3 its rights, title, and interest in and to-that #n Emrt- <br />gage execu..ed by .KENNETFj f~.,~rtAFfPLER,AND,J+~h11C;A.J. WA~IPLFR:.W.t~AidFJ At+{~3-G~1FE. ,-.atato <br />Assignor, dated. February.18,.1981 . .. aortga;~ag the follovinq <br />described rQal property.lacated in the County of ~Al`-, . State of as+ts: <br />Lot Nine C93, r 81c:.i< ix (5 of (;ilcert's 5ecan.~ A~ditinn to the City of <br />Sr3Ro istan~, Hail %~unty, NebraSica <br />and filed for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of HALL , <br />County, Nebraska, on the ',c?~'. day of . Y~r'_--,~'i . ., 19~ L, and a <br />ppearinq <br />of record in il~t ~~IYO,, ~~~'A9~,7~rogether with the note(s) and indebtedness <br />described in, and sQCUreri by the instrument aforesaid. <br />'K3 HAVE AtiD 2`O HOLD the same unto the sat 3 Nebraska 75ortgage Finance r'und arcFd unto <br />1tS St1CC68aflra aAd da9iga5 for@de%. <br />TAYS ASSZGd3Llah: IS MADE expressly sub;ect In and is accordance with the warranties <br />and representations of Assignor with Assignee pursuant to a certain Mortgage Loan Origi- <br />astion Agreement between Assignor ,and Assignee, a coot' of which is on file in the office <br />of Assignee. <br />EXECi3TED AdD DELIVEF~U' this .day cf ,~.~'.~'. .. 14.1 <br />ATTEST: <br />TITLE: ~Seczetary u;,}(e;, .-~.. .._ <br />STATE OF NEHRASICA) <br />r3~. <br />CQ(f[Q~:~ OF rtALi. <br />.... ~ __ _ ., _ .. ,,. , .~ _„isi <br />;`lV~e rf Assiy-nar; <br />.T• ... .~. i3Ei `Ter . <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged efaze ~e this. rr . <br />day of ."~.`.~~. i~,' by -. . -, :>e,l, ~.. .. <br />cf ;4 „y., .__..T .;ii the Asaigroz, a <br />'Jt'~ KJ i`' ~. <br />• - - . .Cor,~oratien ~..r As, cn behalf of the Cerporation <br />or ; Ass€sciati,~. <br />wITt~SS my hand and Notarial seal at ay office ;.. ,aid. :'~i-. . <br />~xu3rty at ...r .t,, this ay _f .,.. `.d ., 19 ~!. <br />~~ <br />e(raen.a-asfarw <br />toy ~:aaaission ExpirQS: <br /> <br /> <br />`~ .~..fB.I. <br />