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~.... r <br />4.E--fiURYlVOtiSi:EP WARRANYY DEED Fsleoo C. ~rdf Compaq, Li~ttaln, tielu. <br />SURVIYC~RSHIP WARRANTY DEED ,_ ~~~~iOQ`7~11 <br />.Tamlaa A. S~zina and *!~rcia K. Serziua, Husband and Wide, As .IO1nt Tenants atxl <br />Not As Tenants in Comman ,herein ralle,l tLc grantor whether ona crme~re; -,_ <br />in tSUasiderntian of Thirty One Thausand Pive Hundred anti 04/144-=---- ------4QI:I„9IiS' <br />rneeire+t from grantees, da>~ gram. bnrgniu, call eoneey and confirm unto Patrick R. Lanta, a <br />Single Person and ~irtoria 4. Lambrecht, a Single Person <br />~; mint tenaut~t with right cf anrviG•orship, and oat a; tenants in arommon, the following described rent <br />proparty in Ka11 ............ f`nunty, ticbraska: <br />Lot BEs, Suenavista. Subdivision, an addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall Coun[y, Nebraska <br />NEBRASKA UOCU{NENTARY <br />STAMP TAX <br />~,fj~FE~ 1 ~ i~FSt <br />2a tia=~rr an<i te, rs;Es Lhe exi+txe~.- -1e~rr[he~i ;~,=~.cus.~s - .,,=_t3~•r s,th sill tenenxents. hereditamrnts <br />and apt#tartenaa~<Yt t2z.arRtet ttel~•nK~ag ur~t., tfv~- z*~cxatc•~~t :end to ?heir :xi+,signs, r~r t+z tha heirs and assigns <br />of t>te ..w'e•ts-ur <,t T_i:e,n iarrcrr <br /><~n~t tfratttar ~icrrs ttemnn :-r,r«nant with tbr, afrantaws and with their assigns and rovith the heirs <br />arei i~ t.a~ <_i ~....r sur+-inter .urm tlxat urrantar i4 la ~ ,~~ a=is~.1 .s# -=,asc: },remises: tl!at they ara fzee from <br />?nrumbranec <br />ti,at etrantrr ,as ;:o:,,i rez%.t aaxi :awfui :xutf:arity to =-<env,~s >;:~ xax..e ~ and that grantter uarranta and will <br />=ietf+~nd the titlr ti, aai;i ;ez~n:iv~ s~.ti;~_t. thr ?av;ful <;laiuxs =.f all persuaati shtlta~ver. <br />it is thr. mtr:xEitr:x ~,f all yarties h*ar+~tc, ~-hot .xe tt;e eveuc ri# the death ai either of the faranteas, <br />tSt~ .=niter fore himpir toile to the ;jai eaistate: st#ca13 vest .~, ?f„~ .:~-.•i;;;,~ kraut<,r. <br />1?ntetl Pebru~*ry 1fSth 1951 --, <br />1 ~ /< ` <br />1 <br />y ~,f"e: <br />~!°~':'~ OTC ....._..~:~&#~ ..................... ., _ .~ ..,...'.'ta,2.7~....................._......_.~......_. <br />~eftn'e cae. a aetsty public qualified for said ~~truxty. t~eesonafl-r ,•ri,nr Iames A. Serzina <br />artlid #arcia K. Seraiaa, f?usbend and Wife <br />$nCesa txs _r>= taz !x the ;dt,~tieat lw€'a:xrr csr n~tt3 ;T)t~, sigma! #i>te :ttrrsgvang it~54r+tmrnt and ackmewit+dgtd <br />tip +axseu#icKt thmrstrL to tts his, her txr their ;F„itxntar;a~ ae.s axtd deed. <br />*eA`iisrats xn~ htt:ad smst notarial rant sin .,_...,...,.ke:5tzsaar~.1,$t:s~_~ ~ ..... , tS.,.8.11....... <br />~~e~~y~„+~:,,'*cg~''y~'," ......... tiotnr±r 3'tthtia <br />r 1 ~i'twiadtna azi±ireat .-..,_.....,._......-.._,.....-.°............ t.~..r........., y, <br />~lh~~ i <br />