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~,. tll-AREAL ESTATE MOtfTtiA6E IC~P•}--With Twn Cfatua (RaWaW t9~2) 71r Naiwr C.rnt .9~M! 9w~. Llaiv. N.Ir. , <br />{ ' ~ 1{idE7Nif qLL g11EN HY THE PRESENTS: Thu Mid Continent Enterpirses, InC. $ <br />a tvr=teretian or}esttized aad trm~ ttttder earl by vitttu d rite )acts d- the Stated Nebraska io.: <br />Tatenty-Five Thousand and No{10Q s-----_..------------------ Dott,ARS <br />- _ t~tettam oI the nttm d ` - <br />- ~ in hand acid. dace hrtr•/.by 98LL and CONVEY uteW <br />6rentwood Deuetopment Company of 6rdnd Island <br />E _ '~ Hal T Y. ~~ d Nebraska ttte tanawsttE acact~ifiea sitttahtd <br />- . ~ HdT T - C.ottatY. acrd Starr or iy@hY`aS#a - . to-exit: <br />Lot Sixteen (16} in Brentwood Third Stibdivisi.on in the City of C,rdnd Island, <br />Nebraska. <br />This mortgage shall be subordinate to a first mortgage in favor of <br />C+9 Hcsme Federal Savings & :,oar Association. in an amount up to $2QO,a0a.aa <br />~ glue interest, whether that first mortgage is filed of record before- <br />r^.. or after this second mortgage. Any breach of the first mortgage shall <br />constitute a breach of this mortgage and cause the entire debt to <br />become itfm~diately due and „payable. <br />a~ <br />~` <br />The vttraticn beia€ to totteey herrby an ahscdsstr title in fee aimaie. _ . <br />Tt?`£ Ail) '1'O HOLD fire pretaiaes attove datritted..aiN J! tfsr a{tpunettantea the[eunta heftte`ing unto the said <br />Mid Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />asa( t<. heirs tmd srititta tavern. Prexida) atw aYa. tmd there prc.ents ate upm the exprro rnnditian that if the <br />aasti Mid Continent Enterprises, Inc. <br />,a a. i;~ >h.ett t~a.~ .+r r ease tv be creed to fire ~ . <br />$r~ttwvod ~eveloptt~nt Ctnr~any of Grand island <br />hrirx. Ncea•ut.~r...tslnnni»trtuura or asaitass, the ~ of Twenty-` i ve T^.OUSaRd Lbltars. },ayabfe as <br />- follow.,. i<. net ~ - - <br />Payable according to pr(xiiissoriy note c?f raoffata as cite eiay of . t'' <br />- eVeR date Dol)srs on the riaY of tS - <br />Ibliatw cut tltr ttaY .,f i4 <br />Uoiiate m the day •rf . itt <br />- ~ ._Datlan en th.* day .,t f3 <br />xtth .,,;,~. ~t t),err.ra at sw[ tent fret tareatm. yayahte aaaueliv.:rrntriine to the teru,r prof rf[ert <br />of the Pn~~K ta>tf with entrrest va}totta attscia<f of .nui <br />- 6rartn€ .+,-n data- -+-nh thtnas presents and tthaii iatY alt lase. sad asscaaatanta ler,od ssaan fetid red .+atate atui al! .?itter tncee, <br />~.~e.a =aW t-, !cried etPat this trsanapt* or the rn+iv whith this rnssrtRSt+tr to Itiaea to seeatrr. hefgte the vtmr Itraraara <br />dritaq~tlat. s.mi kt't'tr tltr 6utid>rus tm !raid pretnists emoted tar tht "-m „t 3 kw, if aoY. payaMr w„ rice <br />twa) m,grt€aa.-.- tarn titeyra atasrtnu k+ M .watt .uherwtar fa hs iad rrtnatn in fssif foretr <br />f"L f5 t'i'F2~I7fk'>it gGR£ED, Cli 'Heat tf the creed ntttniati~ aladl fsui w ttaY each taaaa to ,.rotate attrfi in+urance. fire <br />acrid txaeut€a,,°=~P mas' .aeah teen attd ptetnerr such titWtraatR; acrd fhr aunt ao adwravctf, with muwa,t at per <br />~; .:`+alt tv - -.a3 )n< ;ad ~ett€ag:c ~ thb mtutt:aar a)u!t-stead as ata~trtty far same. {.) `Lhat a tadure u. aav atey !.f <br />stud tneaari .•tt2rc~r prtektad os tat-rrst trhwt fire assay heaa,tttr tiwr. or s fdiuee to tnmpfy wtth any nt tfic fr+r«euanq agree- <br />tttrnte. than .•auvr the adwle aaim of mwxy }artr•ir. ata:ettad to became dtu artci coiie,.rtilde at nrtte at the opliwt d the en+.nttattre. <br />t~ ~~-rr\F:a wHEf3EOF, the aaatd Mid Continent tnti??pr'ses. Inc. <br />-- )eaa Y.rraustt.; :extend tta cavtpurstt crawl to Be at7)acgt sad these #> it. irg aµacd !tY its prey i den t <br />- - this ,ie.-of October - 14~a <br />w,aatai atad drliexnad m itrr+er+:ce ai <br />_.. _.M:d-L~ntinent...Enterprises, inc. A <br />_ !T, <br />1 <br />i4~`~TE i)P ~'-~3£Ii~}~ . CouMY d. _. ^d 3 <br />tirfarr me, a'''~aan~ [ ,ptrfigs[d m amsi avtaaty, peroeaally taatte Mi 1 do D. $1 Sh <br />Mid ~tlntt neat Enterprises, inc. Fr.rdent of <br />- ... .. am x~~r}M.rataxa <br />tutt„arQ. to tart+* )a. t)ee t+tastdctd creed aientia9! trs-atna+ wfiat xiRn ed tfte fosppaitslt itxsteUtaerat asd ttrittaswleeiard the rce!,v[iem <br />- - ihrread- te. by hta x:.Fttatater ie1- Yad ie+ai a ~6 <e~arr atwi the tolttatar~ ~K a.ui .ired nd .anf mrf+aratian ~nei thae ets cnr- <br />t - _rwuafr sari +a. tiwceta aAFard icy i6c authtemX <br />~titceet wY )tined acrd tto4twi tcaat ,re - _ 0£tfJ~er 3~ .. .... i9 `~~ - <br />y ~ y~ <br />-~ ~k tata-ieta ~ltirifra. ... LLt>Sl~..1 i. _..._..-. 18.. i33... . ......... ...... ~Wra::~:.~`"2 ~ . { ~. :~eutltTY ~itirlL <br />~.~',i•3E f~:. _ -- ~ Eaterrd tin nuaerrera! itdef std dlt-a for reeatd <br />F - ~~,. : ca- in the L2eRiater ,d Lh~ia CMicraxi said t'eKtaty the <br />r. >~.. <br />'--.: ter a1.. -. ........:_ _ ... ....... t9........-. ~ .. .... .... ...,..r... ti etacft acrd- rainutrs :i4.. <br />- stttLtt+c-t+d+d in ~rl -..-, :..~.~ ......... ...:..... a,..:...-.u.... ,__--......_..,...E-Wis.--. ...._.... ...-. .., <br />W._,... ..._. - _, ~__ _ Rex tf c?ae~ <br /> <br />