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r <br />`. 4 <br />._,.~ <br />- __ <br />~~~, ~ ins ~ Iit~ $ ~, ~'.'~ E~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ Huffman and fe{ton & Wolf, Walton, lie. 6$161 <br />IN CRNSIDERATIC~Y of the paywlewt of the debt +emned therein, the Coc~mrereial National Bank & <br />Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases the weortgage iltadtW <br />CoeQaercial National Bank & Trust Co. by DeVille Homes. Inc. <br />frr~d Isla.-'..., N2S'.raska <br />wre6e f~" a de~r+ibed rest ertatr, to-Writ: Lot Eighteen i18) , Petash Subdivision, Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />of Stctiow iw Township , Rawge of the P. M., Hail <br />Gaaaaty, State of Nebraska which is recorded in Haok of Real Estate 9fortyages, pagt , <br />of tht rttords of .mid Cmmty. Docutaent #80-003780 <br />I;Y TESTIMC1Nl-' ti~HERE()F, the said Cauanercial National Bank & Trust Co. /ace cawed <br />quest presehtt to be esecxted by its prrsident and its C<nporatr S:•a( to be al6xed hereto this 18th <br />dgy of Fahzwry fg fll <br />W~~s: ° :r, ^om~ercial *tational Bank & Trust Co. <br />.~,''CL~lr•-L ~'7 <.a~.:+w"G~...~s Br~.~--- ~~+c.~~i'.a-_._-.Vice. Prttident <br />lL/~J/i~ <br />__:_... _.,.~ _........ r~ ... _ ... _..-.. _ ..._ _lttrst :. -~ ~, -~~---- -... Coshur, Semtt~r <br />°. __-,Nebraska J <br />~'' Q'?` .__....~. ---_ ..................~ea On this...lattz-. day of_.._Ffx~tzua~Y..._.._.._....., 158_ <br />... .. - <br />.., , - iiaetl <br />'` •-.-----.._ _ .,.. _;.__._.......---County j before me, the undexsigaed, a Notary Pnblic in and far <br />David R, Boehle Lice _ <br />osd~ Nat.t4ndPS' $arak Fc Trust moo. , ,rand Island "7ebraska l~i'BBZdBn ~ <br />---------°-:,.~=~:aL,xtF.fb;+'•o, ~._ ::............... __ .. _.. .. - ...._ ..... .. -. ...... a Corporataoa <br />to t»a ~y"iHSe4wn to be tlw; president sad 'identical person whose nacre is amazed to the above release and <br />the oaecvtioa thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such odi..e°er, and the voluntary act and <br />dried Q! said Corporatiars, and that its car[ocate seal was thereto +.~zed by its authority. <br />~tneea my hand and Nat geai ~;,:~,s~nQ.. ~' ~ •„Ye~raska in said County the day and year <br />last above written. _ _ • =• .v:. <br />• ` ~. - ~--- No Public <br />My eommi~ioa e>~tra..' "-' ~ ~'" '~~ ~._f~--,T--'...°...._ ............. tart <br /> <br /> <br />