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<br /> <br /> <br /> 53.4«-- LA Ckr. F- - AT E %sogt CJ4G11w.-WNT'dh Tox (.tilu:SC 'rn A 3 > FePlps 1r1l1t4,t~iN1lI~W at ) <br /> <br /> '4 k'iist~ ro .t.L THAt,11 Ravnand V. RO' bertson and Marilyn J. <br /> 4.1 <br /> ?c~? e ti,Ti, hi;xba nd Exd wife each in his Pund her own right and a* spouse <br /> ' 0:11" the o:,$l~*r f1~tr <br /> I$ eat li,k.i ('rxcaptrr, And State of Nebraska <br /> in roaa1id0?*6*n Of the *AM at <br /> Forty Four Thousand and no/100--- ~ DOLLAR9 ~ <br /> ~p in hzn.! grain:, alb lxr.:t~ SELL szxi t'O%. *"1T. x unto State Bealk of Dannebrog <br /> N <br /> ~ {M~ttr+i«a 1 <br /> ' Of Howard courty. a-4 State f4 Nebraska the folkrwing deumbe i premiss, <br /> PIUW't"I in Hall c tj., nsrA State a Nebraska tt.wit: <br /> ALL (IF LOi °..tGHTEMN (18) AND THE NY)R'k"HrJV4Y FORTY FEET (40') 0V LOT SEVM;T=H (17), AND <br /> PART OF LO NINETFEN (19) DX=13W AS `r"OI. M: <br /> Beginning aL aN paint. 62-2i feel. north of the So,tthwest corner of Ut 19, in Block R, ~ <br /> 16 Original yi'wn of Cairo, Nebrbttlcra,, tbfrnce southerly along and upon t1vt westerly line of t~ <br /> w.a id lot 19, Black 8, a distance of 62.27 feet to the $Mthwest cornwr of said Lot the <br /> point, of b egir:aing. thence Easterly along autd upot, the. Scutherly line of said Lot 19, <br /> in said Block S, a distance of 1401 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot, thence <br /> ' northerly, and upon the Eastc,.c':y line of said Lot :9. Block S. a distance of <br /> 15.45 fees to the Intersection with the southerly litre of Righta%-j #2, thence north- <br /> westerly .nlang said Southerly linty of said Highway Yu&jer 2 to tt; point uthere "id <br /> Hi.ghvay l,.nter,,ec.-s th.:c Wste.rly line of said Lot 19, rlotk 8, thence Southerly on the <br /> Westerly lire of said teat 9, Block, to the Southwest corner of said Lot, and being <br /> the point (A." beginni.1g. p <br /> s ALL BE I--t SLOCK EIGVT (8), VrIT IACr,' OF CAIRO, IIAL'... cOrJTi'1""i, NEBRASKA <br /> f "r" w intention being to cn nvey herAw an rtrealutr title in fee simple indfirduss all <br /> the ri ate of hametrlat`ad and drawer. <br /> s~ T() ITA%7 AND TO IIaLD the preetves abovel desenhed; with roll thrs si"rtenatrm themronto Mdottg* tu:ta> the <br /> ~t} &aid mortgag", amd to it! 3 heirs and assligm, faare-r. prmii od ,alwa.}'s„ and three prew b are upon the erp, <br /> cvntdition that if the aforv"id nwrtxagor their heirs, oxecutors. administrators or aarasgrss shsdl pay or cause to be <br /> ~ <br /> 331 Sarni to the said r_nortgtnrve . it r 5 heim a=rritors, afdminuaritona ur =*jj k tl'►e sum oa <br /> Forty Four Thousand and -a Dollars, rwyable ~ aotlows, to-wjt- <br /> LYE::larv rats the tiny of <br /> ]9 1 <br /> I, 069. 06 1 Ilalltrr. cn the 1.5 ainv d Mirth 1951 <br /> • of <br /> r"3.XAd, for the tdex1: 5`~ xF'tQIl;~]E~ Ilan "n th,r day 19 <br /> } 4itereaAter av, amonthly I.krllar, „n the dity of 19 <br /> payment o17 $1,069.G6 Llaaliaars on thf~ CULV Of . 19 <br /> i <br /> with irateraCat tlsrrrcars at 1 per c~rnt per anntarr~ pew'a2~fc montbl.*w ally all 8M Ming to the teeter and effect of <br /> ucrrtnrnp4caa".ion>nnRats•c>(acraicj note dated. 2-13-81 for $44,000.00 to Raymund V. ftterteo <br /> and Marilyn J. Robertson husband and wife, <br /> i tearing e"n iinte with thaw pr~-utx and sW) pay all tatxe"s ant, its leviedu'ppm said real estate, and all other tauten, <br /> leases and etsaee! :s>Nnts levied uyrsur ticks saxort a-or tits sate rwlRicFa this : a9blltJ9~ ~re, &40re the saaroe br[xrrnes <br /> stet:inquont, and hn Ta tf r !nuildmg5 on said preau'ves insured for Ilse Rttn1 oa S f . UK" <br /> krRe, if any, pyre uMe t+n <br /> the maid m-clrt.} a ,-r+', t*Arn thr%r yrrrr!nt* w brr void. otherwise to be and rw2 in in full forak. <br /> `f 17 IS Ft,'I'? T TIER AGREED (t) 71%xt if thw said veto a w ■han fail to tg pay sryeh taxes or pma:vre web itt,ytrstsce. the <br /> as id mortgue" Troup pay nr%h t~rxr~ and promm sax-h insurance: artd the Witter so 2dVVjo,,d, with interest at per amt <br /> xlAl.i t.- paA tav awkid mclytx,ror. arxuf Shia Ynortrage shall as&tncl as security for the same. ( ) Thet a faa7rtre to pay say of Raid <br /> ! gu rr•rv, eot "-r p-inop.-1.1 or interest wh+>n the raaTSrr. bockmws due., or a failure to con3piq with any of the foregoing sgrremersra, j1 <br /> -hill cxune t}.t^ T, ,Ie s= of --nwv herein a+e~ar~d to ewcom, a dice and entlecttiNe at a K, at the option of the rm-,t ee. +1 <br /> S grsed this 13 d.ay cf I' a L-,rU Lry ✓'l9 !J <br /> Jr. preserve ca~'« <br /> r// w <br /> ~a <br /> B c-Te v3pr, a mA rv ymbtar, c ~asaltfaed for said sacristy, pervonany cac3e ji2tymond V. FobBrtBQIt and <br /> Marilyn J. Robeitsonv h-usban and rife and as spouse <br /> kno-M to me tar :u *h klentkal pre.-Van or pasr.soaas who signed the forva:jng iwtsua~a w.~-... <br /> therec4 tea bk* his, her or their volusttary 2vt ;ud slesrd ~ I <br /> It1► Ooasttt Er lest 9L l9i[ <br /> R arxieers. my h4rvd anti ranlarial meal att.___._.FE.►bnWXL~-13-q_- <br /> My etpinw:_'~ul3C: gr~ ww 39 84 <br /> --r-•-•-~*lwr <br /> --=;ntary RrlafiC. i <br /> En-nerd Ian stwl0ri arl ilAft and S d for r,.,d <br /> CcayL t7 In *0 Ret k tit iI 1)40 e. Oak* of MW Cratnty the <br /> 19... - at x►"y rot W. <br /> seer", rlc Kl "car> _ ct <br />