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<br />81---~i Cr ~'7? ~ <br />DEED OF DISTRIBUTION <br />BY <br />PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE <br />(TESTATE ESTATE) <br />THIS DEED is made by Earl W. Dove, as Personal Representative <br />of the Estate of LULU E. DOVE, Deceased, GRANTOR, to HARRIET LANAON, <br />subject to a life estate in Earl W. Dove for his benefit and during <br />the remainder of his lifetime, GRANTEE. <br />WHEREAS, the last Will of Lulu E. Dove, Deceased, was duly <br />admitted to informal probate in the County Court of Hall County, <br />t'~l: Ui d:.r atd, dl~li, <br />L~11-iEREAS, Grantor was duly appointed Personal Repr°sentative of <br />said estate and is now qualified and acting in said capacity and; <br />WHEREAS, the Grantee is determined to be the persons entitled <br />to distribution of the hereinafter described real property, and <br />Grantor is authorized to distribute the same to Grantee. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor conveys, assigns, transfers, and <br />releases to Grantee the following-described real property: <br />An undivided one-half interest in -- <br />Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE4NW4), <br />South Half of the Northwest Quarter (SzNW%:) and the <br />North Half of the Southwest Quarter (NzSW4), all in <br />Section Seven (7), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., in Ha11 County, <br />Nebraska, and containing 196 acres more or less; <br />(The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW4NW%) <br />and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(NW4SW~) in Section Seven (i) are also known as Lots <br />Two (Z) and Three (3), respectively, in said Section <br />Seven (7).} <br />An undivided one-half interest in -- <br />A11 of Lot Four (4) and the North Twenty Feet (N20'} <br />of Lot Five (5), in Block Two (2), Second Addition <br />to Cairo, Ha11 County, Nebraska; <br />together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto <br />belonging, but subject to easements and restrictions of record. <br />Dated: February ~, 1981. <br />Earl W. Dove, Personal Represen- <br />tative of the Estate of Lulu E. <br />nn~r!~, rinr~acn~, <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />On this /(oT'h day of February, 1981, before me, the undersigned, a <br />Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in <br />said County and State, personally appeared Earl W. Dove, Personal <br />Representative of the Estate of Lulu E. Dove, Deceased, Co me kno~,m <br />to be the identical person who executed the foregoing Deed of Dis- <br />tribution and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and <br />deed. ~ <br />WiCness my hand and Notarial Seal thfe c' {y ;rind ar f ~3Lw>~ t,~ritten. <br />R4CriiAND~.~HEGKIFA:x~'•tc)i:,3 ' ~, :Ibl i ~ _..... <br />/ ~~ <br />