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227-A-~-MECHANIC'S LIEN `-'+ 1~ \~ i1 ! ~ ~ Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf, Walton, Ne- 68461 <br />Lien claimed b Nat Rolstad d/b/a ..................._......-...................FebruarX 3 81 <br />...°--_-__Faith Electric- _ ......._ .:........................... Against...cjo~Tia-~~..fFealt-.a&aT'rism..Cln'c-!alts <br />Address..P...O Box 146 25714 Sou h Locust Street <br />, Cozad, Nebraska 69130 Grand ~'sland,~~7e~-raska°-6-~O1--- <br />9- -~ <br />__-__12-5__ _80 <br />- - electrical su~piies,_.materialt__mileage, <br />- ~------------------------ 1 707__ <br />- r 66 <br />_----- i 000 <br />--'------ 00 <br />--------- <br />_______________ ______ and_labor__See_Exhibit__"A"__attached____r__ <br />-- _____________ ______ ___ _____ <br />--------- <br /> <br />------- ------ <br />--- _hereto_and made a part hereof bX refer <br />- - - --------- ----- ----- ------- -- ce) <br />- --- <br /> <br />---- <br />----- <br />- ------- <br />- <br />___12-23__ <br />- - _80_ _Electrical__~upplies,__material,__mileage, 1,191 <br />------------- 17 <br />------ <br />---------- <br />--------- <br /> and labor__~See Exhibit "B" attached <br /> <br />--------------- <br />------ _hereto_and_made_a_-part_hereof_by_refer ce~_ <br />- - - ------ <br />------ <br />---------- <br />--------- <br />____ 1-9___ _81' Electrical service and material (See 18 00 <br /> Exhibit "B" attached hereto and_made a <br /> ~art_hereof by_reference) <br />-- - - - - - - - - - - <br />- <br />-------------- ---- <br />J -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ~- <br />---------- ------ --------- --------- <br />----- -------- - <br />---- - ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 2 <br />916 -- ~ <br />-8 3. 1 0 0 0 ~ <br />0 0---- <br />NEBRASKA ' <br />State of..------•------------------------------ -~ TOTAL $1, 916. 8 3 <br />ss. <br />°----DAW$OV-----°----------. County <br />Afftantr .NAT ROLSTAD, d/b/a Faith Electric being first <br />duly sworn, an his oath says that the foregoing itemized account of work, labor, skill_--..---.-..---- ................._..........-....--. <br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and performed and furnished b_v the undersigned <br />for the said..--Larry Keller, doing business as Keller Construction <br />under a' verbal ------ <br />.. . .. . ................ °---------- -- - --- - °-°•-- rontract-- - --....-- -°- - ----- - -- -- - --..... ----- - - ---°- -----° •------ - ------------°---- <br />for the'........_construction _.ofx -all--.electrical--work-,and fixtures <br />for two duplexes <br />on the following lot, piece or parcel of land, zne:'.._The...:~ortherly_-10_.9--feet_of...LOt .9_ and-all ofR <br />iLot 8, Block 3 Southern Acres, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Haal <br />County, Nebraska and the Northerly 18.1 feet of Lot 10 and the Southerly <br />;66.9 feet of Lot 9, Block 3 Southern Acres, an Addition to the City of GraYnd <br />rS~aYicT-;"'AaiL..CtititiTty.;...1a~bY'a'S~k-~-=----------------- Rudolf... <br />That at the lime said contract u-as made and labor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder ............... <br />i F. Plate and Tim C. Plate _.__._-_--were.-.?W§a~the ownersof said premises' <br />that Larry Keller was the contractor on said duplexes and acting fcr <br />the owners. <br />That the date of the first item furnished and delivered was..._._.......Deeember 5, 1980 and the <br />date of the last item zaar .............January- 9-,---.19$-1 <br />Affiant further states that said labor zuas performed on, and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and used in <br />said building or premises on and between the dates specified. <br />That the prices charged therefor are fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account the sum of <br />ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTEEN and 83/100 ($1,916.83)----dollars, thai said" <br />__Nat.__Rolstad.,-_ doing-business as Faith Electric <br />.........----------------_......_......_.._........._-----...----.__..-.-°---.--.----claims a lien on the said premises for the full amount of <br />said account, to-wit: The sum of $-1_,.9.16._$.3.-_--.-._..--.._ .............._-together with interest thereon at the !egad rate, <br />from of._--.-JanuaYy--- ,---..--- ----- -_-....,._._......, t9..ff1.---, and further a~iant says nat. <br />Nat Rolstad, doing business <br />NMEWMtMr-fuu.twanuu ---------------.. .----------•-°-.....-------~-----------------------------_----------._._---------------------- <br />as Faith~Elec£rtc <br />AIVRIIA K TMNeS , ------........------_...----~--_.........._......_-_..__-----------.......__..---. <br />W • .., <br />Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this..-.-.-~._ ......................_............ <br />day of ._...... - __... - --FebruarY_.._..------... -.... t9...$1.... <br />( See reverse side for instructions) tiotary Public. <br />I STATE OF_.. ......__-....___...... _...... -.--.__.___......-. Entered on numerical index snd f-led for record <br />CounE ) ~ in the Register of Deeas Oft'ice cif said County the. <br />y ..._....._......_._....._. _..._. _.-... _.__. _...._.... <br />- ~ _ .....__.dsy oL.__. - ...... ___. _.__, t9_ _ ..... at ...... ... .. . . .. .._ .o'clock and.... .. .minutes .Vt., <br />and rec:ardod in Bcwk...._...... __.._......... __....of_....._.._ .. ............ at page.. _ ......_.. .. <br />- - - - - Heg- of 13ceds <br />Ry- 1Jeputy <br />