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STATE t)F NEBRASHA, County of .......................................................: STATEMENT ATTACHED <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Indea _ <br />on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ M.. NEBRASKA DOCJMENTARY <br />and recorded in Deed Record .............................. Page ................,............. STAMP TAX <br />......................_.................................... By ............................................................ FE B 1 8 1981 <br />County Clerk or lleputy Connt;v Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds ~~ <br />g_1/ BY <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />Ervin F, Terry and Alice E, Terry, husband and wife, each in his and her own right <br />and as spouse of each other, Donald E, Terry and Nadine R, Terry, husband and wife, <br />each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, Hill L. Eppert and Patricia <br />A, Eppert, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each <br />other ,herein called the grantor whether one or 2;rre, <br />in consideratio^ of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />DONALD E. TERRY and NADINE R. TERRY, HUSBAND and WIFE, as tenants in common <br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br />...........................~~........................ County, Nebraska: <br />The South Seventeen Feet (17) One and One-Half Inches (1~) of the Northerly <br />Forty-four (41i) Feet of Lot Eight (8) in Block Seventy Nine (79), in Original <br />Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, subject to an easement for <br />the installation and servicing of public utilities over, across and upon the <br />Westerly Six (6) Feet of the above described property, fau~ther giving, granting <br />and conveying unto said Grantees and easement over, across and upon the Weater]y Six <br />(6) Feet of the Northerly 26 Feet Texx~Inches, above described, for right~f~vay <br />purpose and for the installatior, and servicing of public utilities. <br />'C., hac}• and to hull the above described prnmises together with ail tenements, hereditaments <br />and alrpurtenance< thereto belonging unto the granite and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantees heirs and assigns <br />ti!at ~rtntar is lawfiiliy seised of said premises; that thee' are free from encumbrance <br />that grantor has no,l rigiu and iawfnl authority to come}' the ,aloe; and that gtan~a~rants and will <br />defentt the title ... .; id pretises again>t t~~~ ;a.cfui },ar}ia of f;, persons cvuofYi over. - _. <br />r., / __ <br />~[ ~ /~ <br />D,}t • camber 1980 ti. ~: ~tt'~ . :...~Yl: -~....... <br />~~ ~~~ ' Jbnaf ~ $. fierry ' <br />t1 <br />~ : 'fit <br />." f <br />t .~ ........:.:.r .:............. <br />Erv/in F. T `~ ~" ~ ` ~"'• Nadine £t. Ter ... ... <br />,. ti <br />.. ~ ..... <br />Alice E. Terry.. ~ 8i1.~. T. Eppert, <br />``!':\'1'!•: tth' \ERRASKA, t'aur,ty of _. ....._..... c 4'~c•c'.c...~ ~ <br />.......... ~ a 's <br />Patricia A, Eppert <br />,. Befnr,• :.,<, a m~tarv i•ui:ii:- y~i.ilif.ed For ~anl coon!}', persoual!v came <br />Ervin F. Terry axed Alice E, Terry, each in his and her own right and as spouse of <br />each other, Donald E, Terry arzd Nadine R. Terry, each in his and her own right and <br />a$ spouse of each ether arm Bill L, Eppert and Patricia A, Eppert, each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other <br />kuo;}o v: „~ -}: tse tine ideop<;}! perwu },r prrsuus who signed the <br />f~:tt•~ourg tnrtru uu•nt an.! acknotv!,~dged the execution thereof to be his, <br />her ur their voluntary act and deed. <br /> <br />liitntss m} bans' r t,tariyl rt in D®Cembex'..~..f -..1980 .. _...... <br />J .j(q{ Jry( ,. . . <br />G~GiNG~GYtYgs~ap.Qr[w,w ''r ~./~(._.~~f~~:~ykr,....... .... ~otarF lublic <br /> <br /> <br />F-~,; P:} - ~F: }!cc." -e3 `.?Y '`i C -...... ....i.e IS:i! '~' .,:, ...,. Y,:Ln~ k Wulf U>.,in. Habr. <br />