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STATE OF NEBRASHA, County of ........................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Indez <br />on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ M., <br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................... Page .............................. <br />............................................................ By <br />County Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds <br />Deputy County Clerk or <br />Deputy Register of Deeds <br />8 I --~ (10'7 ~~ <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />STATEMENT A'(7AGHED <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAMP 7AX <br />FEB 18 1981 <br />6b <br />Donald ~ ;'ar:~fx and ?;wine ". Ter.-y, hustand and ~,~.ife, =ach in his and hc~r own right <br />and ?i11.?.. ~nnert 3r!d Patricia R. goner` , r=ts?;and a*:d suiie, each in his and har own <br />ri aht and as spouse cf oath other ,herein called the grantor whether oae or >TVre, <br />in consideration of i;P;E :-~~~I~aP (.~l.t-nl ar;d other valuable consideration <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />J~Jh':"r. ~,. ~. T".~. and -~_'T.i ~.. _:.fl~~ Lltl '; z , r <br />-- sbar:d ar=. °e, a_s 'enart.s in o^tmor= <br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br />s~ai ~ <br />.:.:- ::........................... County, Nebraska: <br />crt ~eriy '"~aen*,-- -_~~ feet ,,~^ ';' _~:ches <br />~~ .. .,~., '?r^.-3_. -!P~1T'. ~~' ... ~r8.. ° .,i 1Ti~. <br />-?311 _O'1.`itV, .^T~SI~$. <br />Ta Lace and to hold the above described premiss together with all tenements, hereditamenta <br />xrd appurtenances *_hereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />And the grantor does hereby eoceuant with t}te grantee and with grantee's heirs and assigns <br />that grantor i lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance <br />that grantor has good right and lawful aud:ority to couvec the same; and that grantor warrants and will <br />defend the title t said pretises against the lawful claims of ail persons whomsoever. <br />Dated „ecemher 19 ~'' <br />;~ >/ . <br />n _ ~? , <br />./ <br />~L <br />..G~G`~-... ....~~ <br />ry_.,........... <br />eta, d ;, '",art^y ~ .. , l - . `~~%?~/ ••••-.••:• <br />,~ ____ _,, t - <br />*~ .... ............... ... ......... .......... K...... ..~............. <br />atr ,? a , <br />.. <br />s'f:1'1'E OF \EBRASKA, County of .....-....._`::`"'.-............._ .................... <br />Before vie, a notary pulx!ic ~~nalified !or said county, personally came <br />Pill ?- ~ppert a^.<i Ptrici.a -. -•.avert, each -. hi- ,..~ her own` atd ~, spouse <br />o f 930.'1 Ot!ler anti .;fir,-`~+? ^ ~ . °rr~3 .i . . '..'~e i T Pr~P : , 2d `~ _ .. . _. _ ..t +7 R~r ^iill <br />..'_rltt and 35 SpQll59 ^i eaC'1 Ctner <br />kaoitn Cu me io he the identical petpon nr persons who signed the <br />foregoing ir~stnunent and aekno*cle.dged the execution thereof to be his, <br />her car their voluntary xet and deed. <br />W itnesa ro} hat.<i an 7 untt ;ytl ea on ~' " } Pr . -. 7 _ _..~~"'t-....,...~ <br />~ ~ '`~. ••, vt` ..... ~otar} lublic <br />~NOtM~r~ -.. .... . <br />t ~~ ll. ... --.;iw.i,u~ rxp=.r.-~- ~,. c`~-:.4.. ~ 1!!eJ..~ . <br /> <br />I`,~t~n; .z _' Apurace+l Yn• Nebran"v..-~, ~tt~tr Dar ,~~.:,+,rrsw=;~.,, r.uw, w w,a. ur.- t.,~~,,. <br />