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r-- <br />$1--~C~~'~~?~ <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />DONALD E, TERRY and NADINE R, TERRY, husband and wife, each in his and her <br />own right and as spouse of each other, and BILL L. EPPERT and PATRICIA A. <br />EPPERT, husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each <br />other, herein called the grantor whether one or more, in eonaideration of ONE <br />DOLLAR and other valuable condideraticn received from grantee, does grant, <br />bargain, se31, convey and confirm unto <br />DONALD E. TERRY and NADINE R, TERRY, husband and wife <br />as tenants in common, herein called the grantee, whether one or more, the <br />following described real property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />The Easterly Fifty (50) Faet of Lot Two (2) in <br />Westervelt's Subdivision of Lot Six (6} of <br />County Subdivision of the West Half oi' the South- <br />west Quarter (W~SW~) Section Fifteen (15), Town- <br />ship Eleven (11 ), Range Nine (9), Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and gTgYEN1ENT prfACNE(7 <br />,y'EgRASKa COCL'~,tENTARY <br />r ~ annP Tax <br />~E5 1 .~ 1981 <br />The Westerly Two Hundred Sixty Five Feet {W265F} ~ <br />of Lot Two (2} in Westervelt's Subdivision of Lot <br />Six (6} of Coumy Subdivision of the West Half of <br />the Southwest Quarter (W~SYi~) of Section Fifteen <br />(15), Township Eleven (11), flange Nine (9}~ Hall <br />Courxty, Nebraska, and <br />All of that portion of Lot Six (b) in Block Ninety <br />One (~1), Original. Town, now City of Grand Island._ <br />Nebraska, situate lying and being in the NWT of <br />Section Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nine (q} West of the bth P. M, as said Lot is <br />laid down and described on the duly recorded plat <br />of said Towns also <br />Fractional Lot Eight (8) in Fractional Block Ninety <br />One (91) Original Town, now City of grand Island, <br />Nebraska, excepting therefrom the follawing des- <br />cribed tract of land: A part of Fractional Lot <br />Bight (8) in Block Ninety One (91) of the Originel <br />Town of Grand Island, Nebraska, described as follows, <br />to-wit: CH®sncing at the Northeast corner of said <br />Fractional Lot Eighb (8} thence running Westerly <br />along the Northerly line of sa30 Lot Eight (8) <br />Sixty Six Feet (6b') to the Westerly line of said <br />Lot, theRCe running, Southerljr along the Westerly <br />line of said Lot Eight {8) to the North line of the <br />Southwest Quarter of Section Fifteen (15) in Township <br />Eleven (11} North, of P.ange Nine {g) West of the <br />6th P, M,, ~~ ~oym as the North Line oP Lot Twa <br />(2) Westervelt's Subdivision of a Part of said South- <br />west Quarter of said Section Fifteen {15 ), thence <br />running in a Nprtheasterly direction until a line <br />at right angles the length of Sixty Six (bb'} Feet, <br />more or less, intersects with the Easterly line of <br />said Fractional Lot Eight (8} of acid Block Ninety <br />One (91), thence running Northerly along said East- <br />erly line of said Lot Eight {8) to the place:.:af <br />begiru~ing, <br />To have and to hold the above described premises together <br />with all tenements, heredita~uta and appurtenances thereto <br />balong3rag unto the grantee and to grantee's hairs and aas.igns <br />forever, <br />