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<br />81 ° ~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~` RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br />~: 1 In consideration of Eull p.rvment ;md compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by Delphine B. Michalek, a single person, <br />to THE EQUITABLF, RL'ILI?ING ANI) LOAN ASSOCIATION OF C;RANI? ISLAND, NERRASICA, on the <br />following described propertc, to-wit: <br />Lot Ninety 'IWo (92), in West Lawn, in the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which said mort~ge bears date illy 2$, 1975 ,and <br />is recorded in Boak 169 of mort~nges on Page 161 <br />of the records of Hall Comity', 'gebraska, said association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same. <br />In witness whereoF the said TILE EQUITABLE fs1:ILllIG ai~D LOAN ASSOC IATIOti OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBft.ASKA, h;u c-aased this instrument to be siy;ned by ifs President and attested by its <br />Secretary this 17th day' uE Febl:valy A.ll., 19 $1. <br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />President R E. K~d7~rpl <br />ii ~ <br />Att. ~ ~~~~~-3 ~/G. _ <br />secretary" James t9. Olson <br />STATE OF NEBI3.iSk.4 1 <br />' ~ ss. <br />COUtiTY OF' ILALL I <br />(hi this 17th d~6' o[ Febnzary 1.ll., 19 $1 , belure me, a Jvtary Public <br />duly ewmmusioned and yu:tiified "tor and residing in said eutu,ty. personally rune R. E. Kitunan and <br />James W. Olson, <br />to nie kuow7i to 6e the identical peaous whose- ..amen are affixed tv the abuse rrleasr as President and Secretary <br />of said Assoc°iatiou zt;d a~ci;u+rleYlg~~d the- said i~utrument to be tben~ ~~oluntary art and deed and the volw~tary <br />act and deed of the said THE EQL f"PA[iLE ifL~ILDi:V'G AAU LOAN .4SSUCIATLUN 02~~ GtG1NI) ISLAND, <br />NEBRASSGI. <br />Witne~c my- hand and rxrtaii:il seal il>e day .cod ye;u 3ast above written. <br />- - ---..>.- -~~~ Xo Puhh~f ~~~ ~ _ <br />i ,c~r,ty~ ¢ nou1M ~ > <br />My '~ortm E>ay Nw. 1$1x1 <br />--- ., . <br />rJ •;t.f' <br />