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s~-acs o7a~s 1l~0][~TGAG~ <br />Thm she ttttade and etatered into this / ~ -~+- ` •y of ~.t=~ ~~t.~-r~~ y ~I <br />19'~~ ,by andhetweat Stuart W. Mieth and Carol M. Mieth husband and wife <br />(hereinafter referred to ao mortgagor) rind the Administrator of the Small Businer Adenitsiauatioa, m ageatef of the <br />Govetvmeat of the ilaited Strtes of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagee), who ttaaintaios an ofiee aad <br />place of homes at 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />Wntsttssn'tt. that for the eansideration hereinafter mated, receipt of whichu het+eh7 ,edCaowlsd~ad; the' <br />mortgagor doss hereby moetgage, ee14 ¢ant. ~+ ~ coavev ttnto the mortgagee, his sacceron aad-aapdar, aB' <br />of the folbwiag described property situated and bang in the County of Hall <br />Sate of Nebraska <br />The East Half of the 'n'orthwest Quarter (~ NWT) of Section <br />Twenty-seven (27}, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve <br />(12), West of the 6th P.M. <br />Together with and including all buildings, all fixtures including but not limited to all plumbing, heating, IiRlrb <br />ing, Ventilating, refrigerating, incir!rrating, air ronditionin: apparatus, and elevator. (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring That it is intended that the item. herein enumerated hall he deemed to have been permanently in- <br />slallyd as part of the realh ), and all improvement. now' or hrreaiter existing thereon; the hereditamenta and <br />appurtenenres and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and rr- <br />cenions, remainder and remainder->, all right, of redemption, and the rent., issues, and profit. of the above <br />described property (provided, huwe~er, that the nrurtkagor ...hall he entitled to the possession of said properly <br />and to collect and retain ibe rrnta,~,aue~,, wed profits until ,lefault hereunder). To have and to hold the game <br />unto the mortgagee and the wecrrsors is inters of the nwrtKagee ( in fee simple or such other estate, <br />if any, as is Stated herein. <br />The aortgagor coreeanu that he is Lwfally seised-aad poseeaeod o[ and bas the right to eel! aad convoy acid <br />property; that the came ie free from atl encumbrsncn except as herrinabu~r recited; and that he hereby biada <br />himseN and his aucceeeorr in iaterret to warrsat and delend the title aforesaid thereto aad every part thereof agaiaat <br />the claims of all perwtts whamaoever. <br />Thie ywiruntrnt rs Pt*'eu tu, scivrc the payment of a pr+rmiseury Date ,fated ? s !• i e rte: ~; , ' '3 t'` II-- <br />tn the priacipal sum of X ~~, a7j.i}i; .eignrd by3tararL - a~vt'u anc, :~.ti ~i '?. `.i.-t'tr ~. wife <br />+n tvt,ati ..€ Lhx~a:r:r:•.~~.`. i~ <br />.n.. r..,, ~a+ .Yrl~ rp.,..+... a++u.wa ... ,«.. ~..~. <br />