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81--~~~'~~~~' RELEASE OF MORTGAGE <br />In consideration of full payment and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by Dale J. Robinett and Lois L. Robinett, each in his and her own right <br />and as spouse of each other, <br />to THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRAS"u1, on the <br />following described property, to-~vit: <br />Part of Lot 20, Ed Ross Subdivision No. 2, more particularly <br />described in mortgage recorded in Book 162 of Mortgages, at <br />Page 612, of the records of the Register of Deeds of Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />which said mortgage bears date OCtnber 15, 19 '73, and <br />is rernrded in Book 1f2 of mortgages on Page 612 <br />of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, said Association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same. <br />In witness whereof the said THE EQUITABLE BCILll[NG :1ND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />CAAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has caused this instrument to he signed by its President :md attested by its <br />Secretary this 16111 day of _ February A.D., 19 gl. <br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />• _ ; <br />-.r <br />~- : ; <br />._ <br />z--~_-z--v-~ f z_~_~,__ <br />g~. ~ ~ = <br />. ~ Attest <br />President R. E..~` [IdLt <br />0 <br />'~. ~ Srt.Secretary JOy M. 1~a2~~ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKaI <br />COUNTY OF HALL j1 ~ <br />On this 16}~ day of Fp-bruary A_ll., 19 gl ,before me, a \utary Public <br />duly rnmmissioned and qualified for and residing in said cnrmty, personally rime R. E. Kiruran and <br />Joy M. Beazley, <br />to me knoµ•n to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of said Association and acknowledged the said instnument to be their voluntary act and deed and the voluntary <br />aM and deed of the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and ~'tashabuve wzitten. <br />' ., <br />!/ <br />(,~ <br />,i f / , <br />s111MNMISi~lkfaMANlsM~ Notary Public <br />~~~ ~ ~) <br />~t61YabPMt~~1~ /: ~ , <br />nom, 1l , <br />;•lv comrnission expires /_L `-"--._.. r.4...;; ~~ <br />