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$1-0(107UG ~ nnne~r- <br />CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COURT PROCEEDING INVOLVING REAL ESTATE <br />UPON ENTRANCE OF . , .ORA~R . DET>~1,tMZKZNG. iy~ . ~NN.E.$~~ANG~. Tt~X, DUE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ....................... HAIL................. , .COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />This is to certify that .... an Qxdex. ]~tez7niiting Ito. ZpXieritance. Tax. Due ......................... . <br />has been entered in said Court in the proceeding entitled:. ~Jl t]1e, ~1att2T. of. the, Estate, of, R., L.. Fulton,,, ask/a <br />RaS.cme L.. FuLtAn .. . .. . .. . ............... .. No............. - , DOC........... ,PAGE .......... ,which <br />. . . . . . .........Inher.1t3I1C.e. TaX j)ete171U.T18.t.lOTt ...... - ........................reflects the passage of <br />title by statute or will to the foltawing-described real estate: <br />L 3), the East One-half (E'z) of Lot Eight (8), <br />t9'z of Lot Vine_ ~4)-,--all iTt~lock <br />and the West ) __ <br />Sixty-one (61), in juhee enriett's Second addition <br />to the Cit Island, Hall mutt-nty, Nebraska, as <br />sur e platted and recorded. <br />i <br />The names of the persons acquiring an interest in such real estate is reflected by said .....~ntlBT.7.t311Ce .Tax ...... . <br />Det~erminat ion ~ ~ ~ - . and the interest acquired by each are as follows: <br />~ressia T.. Ful*_on, all of the above described <br />real property as surviving ioint tenant. <br />r <br />~1 ;' <br />'~- ` is <br />cam,,..[ County Judge%Regi~itiar <br />CERTIFICATE OF COUNZ Y COURT PROCEEDING <br />NctE r,,,,,, N~ a2o INVOLVING REAL ESTATE UPON ENTRANCE OF <br />,a eea } ,. ~,:,, .~~, .s ~ •~•, , I° ~_ ". - .~~• ..... , ... .PAGE 7 ai 1 PAGES <br />