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<br />~l--f)QO'/09't <br />MECHANIC'S I.IF,N <br />WILSON CONCRETE COMPANY, Grand Island, Nebraska, has and <br />claims a lien against Richard Studley, 633 East MacArthur, Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, for material supplied said Richard Studley; said <br />materials were supplied said Richard Studley, up to and including <br />October 17, 1980; ti~at the amount presently due and owing is One <br />Hundred Forty and 60/100 Dollars ($140.60) as per attached Exhibit <br />.. A .. <br />STATE OF NEHRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COJNTY OF HALL ) <br />Dwyer Grimminger, attorney for iailson Concrete Company, <br />being first dui; sworn -~n oath, states t:;at the foregoing itemized <br />acco~~nt cf material supplied Richard Studle=_~, is a true and correct <br />account of materials supplied Ric!:ard Studley, for use on the site <br />set out below, for impr~,vemer,t ~^ the ite, io:ated on the following <br />described propert,t: <br />Part of Lot i{, ,nehr,cK ;uudivir~~ia-r in the ^ity of <br />Grand Island, Hail Count:, ':et~raska. <br />Affiant further states t~:at ~ai n~terials were furnished for, <br />deliverer', at anti used :'r, _,._~~..s _~r~•m.ser-, ^'h,t the charges thereror <br />are fair and reasor.ablr~; `i:at ,_..<~re ~_. -;oc.• due <,n said account the <br />sun: of $140.60; ti~at __,_ >;tid ~9,L~.c,n Co::cret~~ ;;ompany .';as and claims <br />a lien on said premises for the :li amount of maid aecount,to-wit: <br />the sum of $140.60, t~,Uether crir_!, interest thereon at the rate of <br />nine percent aer annuri from the ith day :>f October, 1980. <br />Dwyer GrimminUer, ;-~eing first ci~_tly sworn, deposes and says <br />that he is the attorney for lJils,n. Concrete Company, in the above and <br />foregoing action; that -ie r. _., re:~,i t..~~ 3bvve and foregoing, knows the <br />contents thereof and that '_~he r_,ct> tateci therein are true and correct <br />as he verily relieves; !~-ha~ ..~ _; ~icning rhis -lechanic's Lien on <br />c~ei~alF of .4itson Concrete ~:upar:,,,^-u th-. basis that Wilson Concrete <br />Com~an'y i a ;n rnac ~ ::. ,~-. Pcessary paperer and <br />inf~~rmation wit ..-g4r r_; i:, tii,r~ rn .i ;x~ssession. <br />.% <br />~. <br />--/; -- '-~--~: w ~ r ~r imm nger - <br />,`fir ~ scri >-_; .~r .wc,rn .- ~ F•fr~re~ ie tl•~is 1~~~ <br />. '` day of <br />___~~.+~:~:._- - I ?tit . <br />__... _..a - , <br />,; <br />~ ,,, <br />~~~ ~ <br />owi0r ZL 11N <br />~,..~. <br />