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<br />i ~e,-t¢COrdl.t~ (y(t qry (~ <br />81N~UV1J~v ( HESE PRESENTS ICthatT ,I'i,v eEE'ointTR Ba nJc .~~~ Vl1Ot~ ! V, <br />{;~ ("Assignor") for good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid by the Nebraska Mort- <br />o gage Finance Fund, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska ("Assignee"I, the <br />r ~ ~ receipt of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, does hereby assign, transfer, and <br />f ~ set over unto Assignee all its rights, title, and interest in and to thai ertain Deed of <br />& cWife <br />G Trust executed by ~tobert, ~. pgtweilez.aud.Carla.F. petweiler, Husband .unto. <br />t O , Ellwar~i J1., Q' lyoyle ., Trustee, dated. .Ianuary 2b, 19.81 , <br />///~~~ _ covering the following described real property located in the County of. .Ha 11 . <br />State of Nebraska: , <br />~+P <br />Lot Four !4), and the Easterly Two (t} Feet of Lot Five (5}, in Block Seven [y <br />!',0), in Wheeler and Bennet ['s Second Addition to the City of Grand Islan@, <br />Hall County. Nebraska. <br />and faled for record in the Office of the Reyrster of Deeds of .`(dl~ .County, <br />Nebraska, on the ?ot:n day of ..Jr3t.}AaF'•: 19t?7„ and appearing of record in <br />!~lotUOC SL ., t~9R~Q3~5. toyether wrth the note ist and Andebtedness described in, and <br />secured by the vistrumenc aforasaAd. <br />,.. ....,.. .,.+v ... u...... ....~ ~w-.c ~..~c _.._ ~..... _ _. __ -.3 Morty ayr _nance Fund and- unto <br />its successars and assigns forever. <br />THIS ASSIGNMENT 15 MAUI: expressly sublet[ to and An accordance with the warranties <br />and representatLQriS of Asstyuor with Assrynee pursuant to a certain Mortgage Loan Origin- <br />s u on Ayreemerrt between Assrynor and Assignee, a copy of which As on file in the Office of <br />Assiynee. <br />,.., ,,,i:iz£G _nr t,,?~ -_.v ian~ialy, .. 1981. <br />A'L;E,~y'T: ' <br />TIS'3.8:_: S!mstuu~'arY ~ff~-..t~.:i::i.{ <br />FIb'E,PUII~1'~ ,BAkft _ <br />(Name of Assignor,)~y <br />_ ~_ Y ~ 1 . <br />'i l~i'LE: Edward M. O`Boyle ' <br />Marketing Director <br />STATE OF NEBRASISA <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF hl-E'-i j <br />The foreyourg ins trurc:c r.t was acknowledyed before rte this 'lpEh. say of. <br />_;anuary. 19.2iL, by .r_dw~~rd ;i•. u':io,ile .;~Sarketin~ Di~ector• . <br />cf, .Fj.vE )?oj rlty lie rlk, the A:.sAynor, a Nebraska . - .Corporation or <br />Association, on behalf of Lhe Corporation or Assucrat ron. <br />WITNESS my hand and Notar Aal Seal at my office in sa Ad. .Hail county <br />at oranil this Zblh. dal uY. ..ianuacs• 19.3} <br />~r boa. io. ~ae7 <br />Notary Pub: is <br />M~ Ct: r:~'1 ii~iC.ii Gx~+A Art zt: <br />