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__,___ <br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: (a! Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under <br />this Mortgage, the Note and noses securing Future Advances,rf any, had no acceleration occurted: (b) Borrower cures all <br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borower pays ail reasonable <br />expenses incurred by Linder in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing Lender's remedies as provided in paragraph IR hereof, including, bat oat limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and <br />(d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage. Lender's interest <br />in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such <br />payment and cure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the abfigatians secured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if <br />no acceleratiot, had occt+tred. <br />20. Assignment of Rents; Appointment of Receiver, fender in Pt~sesston. As additional security hereunder, Borrower <br />hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, provided that Borrower shall. prior to acceleration t+hder paragraph lg <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collet[ and retain such rents as they becortsq due and payable. <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph IS hereof or abandonment of the Property. Lender, in person. by agent or by <br />judicially appointed receiver, shall be entitled to enter upon. take possession of and manage the Property and to collect the <br />rents of the Property, including those past due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment <br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents. including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on <br />receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver <br />shall be Iia61e to account only for those rents actuall}• received. <br />21. Fufure Advancts. Upon request of Aorrower. I_endec at Lender's option prior to release of -this Mortgage, may <br />make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future .Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when <br />evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereb}•. At na time shall the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage. exceed the original amount of the Nate plus USS.....4, 7~0.O(l..... <br />22. Rele~e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without <br />charge [o Borrower. Borrower shall pay all casts of recordation. if any. <br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, $O[IOWer has executed this Mortgage. ~ <br />r <br /> <br />lto rt *1. <br />L <br />o <br />ng Jr, `1 --eorrower <br />// <br />~ <br />) //~~ <br />Geraldi^.~ A. Long iJ -tiorrawer <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ...... N31_7 . ...............................County ss: <br />On [his...... af..Februaru ......, 19.81... before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissionedJand qualified for said county, personally came ....................................... . <br />Robert. ~.., .Lon$.~and. ~et:aldine. A.. among,. husband . and• wife ............. .. to me known to be the <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be..their.........voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at .... .......... Rra~nd ~Esland~ • ~ ~ • ~ • • • in said county, the <br />date aforesaid. <br />n ~', ~i <br />My Commission e_xpit~s: f . ~ : ~ ., /: `1/ /i7 <br />Notary P lie <br />tltlfFYt NOrtNr-SUU ~ 4Uneb <br />RIt:H.0R0 VAN ZYL <br />tty Cornm. i~ Jen 27, 7lift! <br />,...- ~ <br />.a , .t... <br />(Space 9elow This Lire Rexrvetl For Lentler and Recorper) <br />Q ~ <br />~ t + v' ~ <br />~- ~. <br /> 1. ~ .-. <br />- ,. <br />'t <br /> ~ ~ <br />~y <br /> ~ FiEI~ ~ <br />y <br />~ fa.. c <br />g <br />i3 ~ ~ :__ <br />IE~~ <br />~A C7 Z'" <br /> ~ .F > y <br /> st x <br /> <br /> <br /> v3 t4 fb <br />M <br />Q <br />s~~^ <br />M <br />V <br />