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I <br />82~~ <br />~Q s ~ ~ HEFORE THE COUNTY JUDGE OF HALL <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />DEPARTMENT OF ROADS, <br />Condemner, <br />v. <br />RAY W. HONGSERMEIER and <br />AUDREY E. HONGSERMEIER, <br />husband and wife, Joint <br />Tenants, <br />i~eket <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />rays Case <br />RETURN <br />OF <br />APPRAISERS <br />Condemnees. ) <br />TO TH£ COUNTY JUDGE OF HALL COUj~2^!, *~E$Rp,S~, <br />We, t'1e undersigned appraisers, do hereby cPrtif•: that <br />under and by virtue of an "Appointaent of Appraisers" duly served <br />upon us by Sheriff or Deputy Sheri~€,f of <br />Hall County, Nebraska, on the ;~ % day of 1~-~-` , <br />19~, and after having taken and filed the "Oath of Appraisers" <br />t'xat we did carefully inspect and view the property described .erei; <br />I <br />sought to be appropriated by the State of "lebraska, Depar~nent of <br />Rands, and also other property of the condemnees alleged damaged <br />thereby and did hear all parties iateres~ed therein in reference <br />to the amount of damages sustained whiie we were so inspecting i <br />and viewi the ~ <br />ng property herein described and thereafter did asse s <br />t<he damages `mat the ccndemnees have sustained ar will sustain by <br />r <br />such appzapriation of tine property herein described for State I <br />highway purposes and also daaage to such other property of the <br />condemnaes as in our opinion, was damage~~ 5y the appropriarion o <br />the property herein described: <br /> <br />