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=.~. ";~ <br />-- - ~ ~ ~ li <br />r i ',: <br />~. i., <br />., <br />;; <br />$Z,.•.Uy~(10 6~(9 ~(5 to ~,~t ~rtgttrt~y T~• whertoa. In an adorn [n the Dutrtet Court of the <br />7 1tM ,tudieial Dts4id e1 the State of AVebadea. within andf~ the Counh' af ......................... --._ ___...._.,ptaintig.... and <br />--------...---`---- .--- - of Lincsln - <br />Fi.ret..liatiFnal-.Hank--and-_Trua-._-,-_,,,-.. .-. .. rrei!~.-,..defendard! <br />. ra!s_............ _..._ .. _.... . <br />-_ and Lana J 3lginsbe etal <br />_ Donald B. Shinabq=T -.-------.._ ..........~. _ ..-.._....... and-`Neat---°-f -Lincoln <br />First 14atioasl Bank. -. . _ <br />......._.. --. ..- .... t9_~., ~ <br />-- - -.._.........--- ..ram. A. D. xiut twR,.-- ----.-....... --- -....... Sh .nabs <br />at flee..------- Fall ~nAld_E._ Shl>E-sbe?7!._a1sd. LaT-B-_J.e------i..-----..._~3...----...._.._...._ ....---.. <br />-- <br />did obtain a dears f~uw Bmt these ° dtxf+ti0n--------.-.... Of Lint~ln ..._.---------- -.. _.-.------'-------...-...._.......-.... fhe sum <br />and 'pretst Cea_Pa~_ - <br />.~® <br />Firet national Sank- -.. _-._-..."_-.dattrrs. <br />-.. <br />to..---.--------------------- --......_...._...-__...~..__a~. 70 1~ ...._..-~- -----~~--~-...- ~..-.._-...~_-...-------.... <br />tlinet~ TMr-_Thsateand _Twen--T __ --- ---f----._._«--t----' - ............--- <br />af ---.---- - -- -- - - .-.........._.....- -....-. _._.. _ _ <br />-- <br /> <br />-- .... . <br />__-... .. and these <br />. ... ........._~_... then <br />.._... .... .. - - ..--- ..... ...- . .._doltan, and. to(¢rea+~it tca: <br />...... .. ... - Defends <br />mwL_ -- .- - -- -'._-.._ __..._._._. <br />and msb of su3 fazed at....--.- ..._ .... _ <br />of the sum m fo[[nd due LY the ~ - - - - deser~rd to 6e ~.... <br />further arched in the mid adian that in default of the paymer+t I - <br />-- mat...-._...-----Cla.1'kes F Fairbs_._....- - -` <br />_ ~ hertu~aJler <br />---......._..---._....__--------._---...-----.__.. _._... .._--- ---' -- cmue the lands and ttnar+entr <br />-- <br />_-- ---- <br />_..._--_-..- Hall -_-__--, should and ~ virtue of the mid decree and <br />Shaij/ of mid Coualy of---__._....... ~ - ~ <br />and. wtvxas, default having 6rm made lherc+n. the mut...._.----------......_._.-.----._........._.. <br />adeertiud and cold to lmo fa pay tl+e same, <br />---'-- acmrdin9 <br />• ShaiJ( of mat manly, ands ,' <br />C>•arlee F . Fairbanlat__ --___ - -.---......__--- ----, <br />d°Y of-- - - --- - - -- -- ---.._._...... . <br />,:,. <br />.... <br />- - ._..___ Second <br />-- - _- - --___ .._..-- - jj <br />me order of sate to him duly dveekd. did on me___---------- ~ ~ Grand-_Ialstd---------------~ ,~f <br />i <br />",1 DY~~4 -rht Coanlr Court xaa,t [n (he--------L''i-t.~.__.._..__-. J <br />y,~ ~pp~,, ~° <br />~ ~ lexer_l~b.- . _. J at ioen due and legal naue of the lime and place of mid a , ;,i!~{ <br />Hall -- - -- ..-..- _. booing fir 9 ge <br />__- eat <br />d <br />u.apaper Printed and in nerd/ ~ ~~! I',•~ <br />~--..._--- open a ne <br />mm[dloa++tYof_.-.._--- Grand Island ~. -•---• First <br />by p[iWicntion anrc in each ueek for fo[v succesHA l n;eeks in the..-....-...`..... atU said prcmiaes at pu5i um -.`---._......._.-.__.-_-.. I <br />ie dud' to ~,~,I ~'`'!II <br />Ninet 'lore--Theneand._'lrie?>tZ....--- II= <br />-... - - --- 1- {%I <br />;: eireulatian irs and CowdY °J ~ - - ' ~ d t III <br />Of LinCeln . .for the sum of <br />Natlenal Bank and Treat CorQs~7.. .. Fall ..-----rerm of aai tour <br />..... .. ~ - ~~.!~.~- _..~_~.dollars, which mle was af(erubrd at the - ' - ' i~ <br />fo,,,ed and the :out -_- Charltss F . Fa j,rbanits- __ <br />sni 70/1E10 ($9 _. _- _ d Trust Cei7.-gisLincsl orda~ "I!~il~~ <br />19 _ .. aamined and mn ~ <br />A. D.. ~I <br />-- - - ~ .. Natirnal Sank an __.._- sheri$ of d[e County of ,i <br />I <br />- ~ emery me mid prem[xs in feR simple to the said First__, _...-- nd the <br />_._ ._ <br />Charles F. Fairbanlce.____ - <br />eretore, I, the mid .._ - ~~ and ~ virWe of the powers nested Ln me by law a <br />.H611._. ..._.. _.._._.. _.--- ~++ aforcmid. w consideratwn of me p ~, <br />-----_.. ___ .First Nati.~.l sank--and.-Trutst c..ap~ af.. _..----- ; <br />_... <br />dx['x of said wart. do hereby Give. Cram and CormcY to the rout - --- -- . lair: and assigns, the prcm~*es ao as aforesaui sold, to wit: <br />__.-- <br />.. . . <br />Lot . Th;e~L3 ->' HE.Cl ---- <br />__. Nebraska ~ r.~sne¢nCC.A'1"FAC <br />. - _ Grand Ieland,Hall Cee~nt7,-.__ ~aL""'"'_ <br />- _.. <br />_ ___ <br />__ _= y"~ <br />-- ____ __ <br />KA DOCK J' EN s A <br />- - - (A P TrtX <br />___ <br />__ .. _ <br />_ __ <br />__ <br />_.__ <br />...- <br />- ~ <br />~~ ... <br />_ ,~ <br />..... <br />_.._ - ~ <br />_. . <br />_ _. <br />---- -- _ . <br />'i - - ._..... - - . _- urler[ances. <br />.----- _ - - - with ~aPP <br />_.... ...._ _ d Trast._C©mpeaT- <br />_..-. _-_ <br />-- Bank- . ... . <br />First Nati~gsl .. <br />_---- ~o ~sbe ~ttD to ~otD t~je $apu a,da me mid... - <br />and /heir use and behooJJ°rCpf1. <br />-- .- -.---.heirs and asrptu, and to (hem <br />--- - <br />~._ .. - - <br />- a ! my hand u.. - - -' <br />---- <br />3tt ~tgtimottp ~1~ereof. r hart. as aaclt Sheriff, huru++t° a • <br />l , - - Febraar7 _ __ ..- -_ n. D., is_8t / , _ .._ <br />W <br />--- --- - <br />'~' Hsu _Gaunty, rvetua+ka- <br />- ~ p,>;aeated, al delisrred in the pruenee of Shaijl of_ - ---~-- - -. _..- - <br />'! ~ _ - <br />,. <br />Jam, - -- <br />_'r~_= , <br />--.. - __ <br />.... <br />S` STATE OF NEBRASKA, 1,,. _.__"~ayaJ_.Fe~r.~7... <br />_ J o„ this.... 11 ch- <br />"' HALL _.._._. ~... <br />e L A _ old.- -- _. ... _.... <br />(wpb d ---__ ......~. Benni..._... ~. . ?'s-.. <br />t9_g~-. , 6gfare me, the undn,~r[e[t--- _ - <br />~,_ F~lrttenk*. <br />the said._....te~~~--~ <br />in and for mid cau[ly, PatO'[ally aPP+~ _ -Sha'iff 0/ said Gw~. - <br />`. <br />--and <br />. -... _... or 'ryt insGurra:rd a+ ' <br />._.._ .......... ~. wla signed me f ego: '' <br />...... <br />~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ mr personally knpan b be the identical person - <br />he aekrwwtedped the saws to 6a hu oolwdarY ad and dad. err such shtr[ff, Jor ma arts a <br />.. ~~ Rwrut rtt form. ~~ ~ ~ uvillen. <br />~(tnt:Sf rr;y houtd and oDie a"d ~r ~ - <br />,• <br />__1 .. ; . ...~-_.........-- <br /> <br /> <br />