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r <br />T. ~. 6r the event the Property, or any part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain, the Ma~agee <br />b empowered to collect andreeeive ad oompensatiai whith may be pdd for any property taken or for damages to property <br />not fates, sod Mortgagee shall apptp sneh cermpensiiioa, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured <br />hereby or to repair and restore the property so damased. <br />8. lariormanss hq Muagajee. Mortgagee zrfaY, but shah have na obtigatloa, to do any ect which the Mortgagor <br />Nm a;teed but tails to do, sea Martgagee asay abo da any act it deems neceamey to protect the lien hereof: Mortg~Or <br />areas to eepay, upon derrrrrd, ang sums ea expeadetl by the Mortgages for the above prrrpasea, and any anroaz ea expended <br />the ~ rhafl be added t<r~ iadg6tfdnE`re e~urad ~eby a:.d Iso-~a.. suh~# to the ileh hereof. lie <br />shad cot incur u.q penonai liab8ity because of anything it may do or omit to do harea~er. <br />9. fkfaedt; past of tCea#s. 15me b o[ the essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant <br />oraptameat o[ fhb Mort~ge; including covenants to pap when dne the sung scoured by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall <br />be entitled, at its sole option and without notice; to dedare all sum secured bq this Mortp®e .to be im~ediatety due and <br />pryatiie and map commence foredasitre of this Mortgage by Ndi~ PraD+; mod, provided further,-that apoo sorb <br />defardt fix Mortgagee, ar a eeceiver appointed by a court, may at its option and without regard to the adaquscy of the <br />seetvity, enter spa) sad take poaanston of the Propertty and collect floe rents, iaanae and profits therebom and apply them <br />tip to the cost o[ edlectton and operation of the Property and then upon the indebted~sa secured bq fhb Mortggee; <br />saM rants, ias~ sad profits-being a~gned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of the indebtedness <br />secured herebq. <br />10. "ttarider of Property. If all or any part df the Property b sold or transferees without the express written con- <br />meat of the Mortgagee, Mortgagee may at its sole option, declare all sums secured by this Mortgage to be immediately sae <br />and payable. <br />11. PYedae Advances Upoo request o[ Mort~gor, Mortgagee may make additional and future advances to <br />Mortgagor_ Such advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced bq promissory notes <br />sta#ng that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedaere securedFy fhb <br />Mort~ig~e, sot iadud"mg sums advanced to protect the security oP this Mortgage, exceed the odgimi Notre. <br />12. Miaedla~os Pmvbtons <br />(a) Any [orebearance in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof. <br />{b) Ail n:medics pravided hernin are distinct and cumulative to any other rigist afford by !aw or egnity, <br />and may be eurcbed roncurrently; independently or successively. <br />(c) The covenants and agree~ots contained herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respective <br />successors and asvgoa o[ the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee. <br />(d) All coreaants and agreements oP the Mortgagor are joint and seveta6 <br />(e} 'ILe headings oP the pattgraphe of tbb Mortgage are for convenience only end shall not be used to inter- <br />pret or deftu the provi~oas hereof. <br />18. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge this Mortpge and <br />shall execute and deliver a satisfactory release therefor. <br />IN WITNSSS wHEREGF, Mortgagor bas executed this Mortgage on the ~3_ Feb _ ,19 $L. <br />r, <br />. / <br />/` ' `~ /~ <br />nt f ~~~ rCl`~'~ /7 <br />(Gordon J. Scarborough} °'~' <br />aoaowar <br />Stale of Nebr~a, .Hall Qamty ss: <br />pn }~ 13th d,y of February 19 81 before me, the undersigned, s Notary Public <br />duty commbsioned aed-qualified for said county, personally came (:nrdnn i _ Scarborough <br />to me known to be the <br />identipl person(s) whose more(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution ihereof <br />to be Their vduntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seat at Gragd Island Nebraska in sae.: county, Ure <br />date atoeesdd. ~ i -!? _-.. <br />14y*Cummss(one:pares: ~teiR+Ra~gprrran.ati ~ I~~,~ r <br />sli illtrti~aa-law0aes~iKO vv3~v _fi'93ii xoearrrew>< <br />_ (ayoes Btlow T4b Live Roesrad For Lesiler ae~,"H.aeoMer) ~-- <br />O S 01 ~! ;' l { 93.E i 8. <br />~ ) <br />T A~ tale rNp aoa Yo-'Mt <br />S5 f ~i' ': i;i +,i~ii~i~9 <br />~~~~ <br />--..r. <br />4 6 7ti~Q ~ILV <br />.o~~~ <br />r <br />r~ <br />~7 *~ <br />4,4\ ``C <br />