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----~: <br />g~~Od6g l REAi. Efi'f.aTE Yl()RTt=AGk:--- Nebraska <br />KNOW ALL hiEN BY THESF. PRESE:NTS:'Chat .:oseph .F- E.eran and :,arbara L, Beran, ~t~11,~~tpnd wife <br />caned mortgagor, oC _ Hall _ _ County, and State of Nebraska, in consideration <br />of the sum of?~ thousa_nd Three hundred Sixty eig~#t,l Aj~ rn hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, <br />,amount Fm n~wi '~`47dt~100 <br />sell, and convey unto Dial Finance C c.mpam of Grand Islan hereinatler Balled mortgagee, <br />~• _______-_ Elal l ___ ____ __ _ ____, __ ('aunty. State of Nebraska the following describ?d real estate situated- <br />in _--._ liall_______ ('aunty, and `hate nf;V`ebraska, to-wit: <br />The North Fifty-two 0523 Feet of Lot Four (43, Block Eight t$} <br />Packer and Burr's addition to the City of Grand Island, llal.l County, <br />Nebraska <br />together with all the tenement4, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, <br />dower, right of homestead, claims and demands whatx,ever of the said Mortgagor, in or to said premises or any part <br />thereof; and ;\irtgagor does hereby covenant that said :Mortgagor is lawrf'ully seized of said premises; that said <br />premises are free from a!I Gens and encumbrances except as otherwise noted herein, and that Mortgagor will <br />warrant and defend the title to said premises against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />TO HAY'E AND TO BOLD unto the said mortgagee, provided ahvays, and these presents are upon the express <br />condition that if the said mortgagor shall pal in full to said mortgagee a promissarv note dated February 13, <br />19 -~ far $ ~2.~av_ GO payable in instalments according to the terms thereof, the final instalment of <br />which is due on FP i~rslary~_ 19 ~ which includes interest at the rate of 27r per month an <br />that part of the unpaid principal balance not in excess of $ LtNN). 1' % per month on that part of the principal balance <br />in excess of 51.000 and not in excess of Sa000. and 1' ,'? per month un am• remainder of such unpaid principal <br />balance, and shall pay ail taxes and assessments levied upon ,aid real estate. before the same becomes delinquent, <br />then these presents to be void, otl:et-ta•ise to be and rernam in i'ull (,rte. <br />11' lS Fti RTHER AGREED that a failure to pay any of said money. either principal or interest, when the same <br />betrme due, or a failure to comply with any aCthe foregoing agreements. -hall cau.5e the whole sum of money herein <br />secured to become due and collectible at once at the option i,C the mortgagee. <br />NOTICE TO CONSETRiER: 1. Do not Sign this paper before you read it. `l. You are entitled to a copy of <br />this paper. 3. You may prepay the unpaid balance at any time without penalty and may be entitled to <br />e~ceive a refund oC unearned charges in accordance with lau•. <br />5igt;ed thts__L____-- -. _ dap of "elut:ar~~ __ ~ I)_ ly_-~i- <br />y -1 <br />til':1TE ()F' Nebraska jl_ `~.~tz~~.iJ--- <br />Un thi _- 1.,~ _ _ day nt ~~ V !)_ 14 ~~ before mt. the undersigned, a Notary <br />1 1 hr duly cot mta•;u,oett anu yuaitfe-d tin- and rr- id n„ :n .grid count)- perxurally came. <br />Mt~l~~_.-J. - to mr known to !,r the idrnucal per~,n ~ whr~.r name .~- atiixea to the foregoing <br />mst.amrnt as m„t2ga~„ur_ and acknuµ~lydged ttrr sane tt ~ lun- <br />i airy act and deed ~rMttlQryir-pwd~~V <br />VVitneu my hand arrd 'VUtarrul 5e•ai the dad anu year last .rlx_rvr ~srn[rn_ ~~ ~ ~. <br />~ My l,ommi.;.swn experts thr__ -~- _ _ - ' ac _/ ~'~'~~•1~ <br />~ of _ 'T_ I v ~'_~ _ _ ~p »--'~ - - '~ --- <br />v,r,., l utsuc <br />1 - - - _ _ - - -------- <br />~ S"CATE ()F- <br />------- <br />~,. <br />-------...._ _. . l'o~anh <br />Entet•ad m Nunterrcal Index :rot: tiiecl for rc~r,rd m the „tlie-r of the Register nC Deeds of said county, the <br />_._..._._ dxy r,l I9 ,u _.__-_ ___ oclrKk and ------------_---- <br />rninutrs ~L.:uul dui} recorded rn I3twk _- _ uC____-.-_- -_--_.-_-- <br />Sioftgagi>a page - - - __.. ------ ---- _- -- - --- - - -----.-. ___ _.------- <br />~~ ~~ xc <br />E2egrstrr of [1et.~dv <br />[leputy <br /> <br /> <br />t...... <br />