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~_.......r. <br />g],-.-~li0683 <br />ASSTG1fM$NT OF DDED OF TRUST <br />KNON ALL MEN BX THESE PRESENTS, thn¢. J~7,VF. P,OjNTS,BAN(C . <br />r <br />Q'Aasig::az`) ..*or good axD valuable consideration to it in hand paid by thq Nabraeka•MOr2a <br />gage Finance Fynd, organized under the laws of the State o! Nebraska i'7lasigaee'), ttte <br />receipt of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, does hereby assign, trensaeF, and <br />set over unto Assignee all its rights, title; and i.ntereat in and to that certain Deed of <br />Trust executed by Marvin L. and, Donna L. Smi~h~ Husband and Wife ,~~ • <br />, £~ward M.,O'Bpyle Trustee, dated, Fef)ryaFy~.6, ,~9,$~, ~ <br />covering the following described real property located in the County of. , <br />State of Nebraska <br />Lot rwelve (IZj, Ross Heights 5ubdivtsion, Hail (:ounty, Nebraska <br />~ p <br />and filed for record in the Oftfce of the Register of Deoda of Hall, •COUaty, <br />Nebraska, o~nf tho .17 ~h. ,dvapy~of .Februvey „ 19.131, and appoariaq of record in <br />F~ ~dr. )5~:, ~pe~i'c1dQf~y together with the note is) and .ndebtedness described in, and <br />secured by tho inetrusant aforoasid. <br />1'O N)1VE AND TO HOLD iho acne unto the said Nebraska Mortgage Finance Fund and unto <br />ire succossors and asaigna lorevs, <br />THIS pSSICdiME!!T IS MADE expressly subject t9 and in accordance with tho warranties <br />apd representgtiona of Asaignas with Assignee pursuant to m certain Mortgage Loan Origin- <br />ation Agroaeent between Assignor and Assignee, a copy of which is on file in the OtfiCe of <br />Aseignoe, liCh <br />BXFCUTED AND DELIVERED this day of .Eebruarv 19$1. <br />~~ '~~ ~ `'~ .E`i~'t l'~aNTS. ~s~N1t . . <br />`~ ~~' !Name of Assignor) <br />Aga a •'~ '~~ i, n /7 <br />S4ATE OF N88AASlUI ) <br />) ss. <br />COUMi'Y OF Ha 1 1 ) <br />The foragaing instruoeat wsa ackpowled9od bolore ma this .~~~~ . deY a;~": , <br />EeGruarY.. l9. $1. by .Edward M.. 1'iioyl,: ., , <br />ot. FiVt.P~INTS F1ANK ., tho Assignor, a .Nt:bFa?~ . .Corparati~ or• <br />Association, on bohalt of the Corporation o,. Asaopiation. <br />MI47Ft&8 m1' tegnd and Notarial Seal at ~ off!.ce in said. wall. , CpW-Ly= <br />at +;rdn~i Ialaf,cl this . 17t . day ol. .lehruari; ., 19. $1 <br />~' <br />Ky fia~iaai~ ~ty(ry Publia <br />Expteos: <br />arirwslEw-etaroMw~ <br />. MIFtY+4 4Ra <br />i <br />l~4F'P i%dx <br />