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I <br />~l --~11+0681 <br />ASSIGNMENT OF TRtDST DBED ~1-- 00057'7 <br />KNObt ALL KEN '% TB~SS PRHSSNTS, 1/That Superior Martgage, Inc. <br />a Corporation, the pa=r of the first past, in conafderation of the sum of <br />Twenty Nine Thousand Two Hundred and No/100DgYlara, to it in hand paid <br />bg De+tonshire Cire e, Suite 225, Omaha, NeGreaka 6841l~_ <br />_- - <br />r 6orpo3aYfoL, the party of the atcond part. receipt whe~rsaf 1a hereby <br />ackpaarl~dpsd, has greeted, aaeignad and transferred, and, by theat prsaente <br />doss ssant, assign and transfer unto 1ta successors and aaaigna, a certain <br />Trust Daed rherais- she said Superior I9ortgage~ Inc. it 8eneficiarq. <br />Raul C. Meza, Jr. and Melody A. Meza, Ausband and Wife <br />1a Tsustor, and amen is Trustee, which Trust Deed was dated <br />the .30th day of January 1g 81 and recorded the <br />nth daday of ~b~t~~,v 19 81 in iLataK Doa. #~b3bT4~ <br />Pegs 7fYYYXXXXY7CX , of the MORTGAGE Retards of Hall ° <br />Coantp, Kabraaka, and all it right, titlt and interest to the property therein <br />dsacsibed, as follows, to-wit: <br />Lot Six. (6), in Block Fourteen (14),.Wallich's Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with the promissory Dots thsrein described. and the money <br />due or to become due thareuoder. including inttrest thereon. aub~ect only <br />to the provisions of acid Trust Dead thsrein cantaiaed. <br />Iy WITNHSS IiIIEA8OF, the Superior lbrtgage, Inc. a corporation. hae <br />eauasd Chia Assignment of Trust Dsed to ba esecuted by its President, <br />and attssttd by its Vies Pi+saidant and its carporate seal to be <br />bsssunto affizad this 30th day of January , lq 81 <br />--1 <br />i <br />President <br />BTATE, QF MEEtASY~ ) Attest: ~~~ ~~'~~%~~ <br />)ss, Vice President <br />COU1tTY 0~ i1a17. <br />f1a Ebi'a 30th day of January ~ ly S1 before me a <br />aotbsit ppblic dwly eoatsiaaioaad sad qualified in sad for said county and <br />rtsta, pa:aQSal,ly saris eha above saaisd James S. Feed , <br />lsaridaae, amd R. s. Lancaster '- , ce of <br />~Sriorlbstgaga, L-c. who are psraoaslly kaowa to me co be the <br />ld4atical persona whose names era affizsd to she abovs Assignment of Trust <br />)tad !s the Praaidsat sad _ Viet President of Baid corporation and <br />:bay aCksawlo~ga tba inatzument [o bs their voluntary act sad deed sad the <br />~olusta y set •nd d:ad of said corporation. <br />Y1TNE88 my bead sod official as#1, a[raa ~lslanin said county, the date <br />EII4.ssaiid. <br />~ Natary Public. <br />~~'u'€4:~r ewa~TS~-cs coMtaxy, Inc. <br />1:0~47 aevoaabira Cirela MMaaaa~ <br />d5a6Eba, Ms~amaka bd114 <br />ti <br />