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<br />G.... <br />I <br />409-RELEASE OF MaRTGAGE--CoxpoxnHon" ~• ~~ " ~ ~ ~ U 'rna xuRn,ao ueaera~ auppb }~oono, Llncole, xsbr. <br />L _ _ . ._ _ _._ - _.. .. _.- -.. ..._ ._. _.. ..-- --E--.^._-.. <br />~ IN CONSCDERATIO:J of the payment of the debt named therein, the Commercial National Bank &~ <br />Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska, hereby releases the mortgage made eo <br />i <br />Knights of Columbus #1159 by Commercial National Bank & Trust Compa~y, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />o» the follau~ing described read estate, to-¢uit: Commencing at file Southeast corner of Fleasant HOYi'~e <br />Subdivision running thence i~lesterly on the Sauth line of said Subdivision 294, 0 feet to <br />the center line of South Eddy Street; thence running Southerly parallel to the East line <br />of Section Twenty-one (21), 341. 0 feet to the point of beginning. t!imce ;'Vesterly paral~el <br />to the South line of Pleasant Home Subdivision 327. 0 feet to a point; thence Southerly <br />parallel with the East line of Section twenty-ane (21), 295.5 reef I:o a point; thence Eas ettSy <br />parallel to the South line of Pleasant Home Subdivision 360 feet to a point; thence Nort ~!ly <br />of Section 21 in Township 11 N Range 9 West of tt.~ 6th P. M., <br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in Book 139 of Real Estate Mortgages, page 341 <br />of the records of said County. - <br />IN TESTIMONY Li~HEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has caassd 1 <br />tF.ese presents to be executed by its president rtnd its Corporate Seal to be afj~zed hereta this 2nd <br />day of June ~ ~9 76 Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. ~ <br />Witness: _.. ........._ __ ,...__. - .......° -- ..................... <br />~~----~' <br />r, <br />_......... g ._ ; : _ 12,~~~-~~-.~.,>---~4Y----~ Pr8su3aut <br />- .... ...-attest <.~C.~~.k-~ / '/ ~L~~~{!~-~-`yCashitr, Seereta-y ~ <br />-_.. ... - <br />STATE OF Nebraska - - -- - -- -... - -..-.. 1 2nd .: June ---- - 76--- <br />} On this - - daY of- - - - --- - °- ---_..., r9... . <br />ss. <br />_$a11.......--_--.--.-__-- ..--County I before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and far said ~ <br />_._._._......_. - -- j <br />David R,. Johnson <br />Cauntp, personally came...------- ---- - - ._...._.-...... - -- ----- --- --. _..- --- - ----------------- ----------° - - - --, President of tks <br />- - - atj:on31.-Eatxk-& .Tz'u;~S..Coz~~iany.._- - --- -- - - --- --------- - - -- - -- --------- a corporation <br />o n to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and , <br />~~ gg~rr e~cre lion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as suck ofjccer, and the voluntary act and deed <br />Sate Gorpm-aiiirnn I <br />• ,~~~~~j <br />it~'tes l y-~"Y8° a~d \rotrriai Sea! at..r-.Trand Islandr Nghzaska ---_,~ said ~d y eh y and year j - <br />last bo£dr ~`t.. ,-`,' ~ ! / 1~'' u ~~'. +' f~ ''- ~! tar Public `s <br />My communon expsres _. .. ___ .. -, rq -- ... ~~::. ... r ~,f~. .--.-.. `~- a.~..Atb' y , <br />-,, _. w - ,, _.-.e.._n <br />parallel to the East line of Section Twenty-one (22) 130 feat o a paint; thence GVesterly <br />parallel to the South line of Pleasan*. Home Subdivision 33. 0 feet to a point; thence <br />Northerly paraIlel to the East line of Section 21, 165. 5 feet to the point of beginning <br />and c:ont=ti:iing 3.31 acres more or lESS. <br />J <br /> <br />