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f <br />~ .± <br />_. _, <br />2.2 Revised 1978 Hotlman and Felton 8 Wolt, Watton. Ne. 68461 <br />WAT~2ANTY DEED ~~ x.000673 <br />VOLNNY D. YAFGRESII AHD VARY E. LOFGREB~T, HUSBADII) AIYD iY3FE, EACH I2I HIS AND Hsi. OLIN <br />RIf~' A'kD A3 SPOUSE OF F~Cx OTHER, <br />, Grantor, whether one or wore, <br />in consideration of 3IZ THOUSAND FIVE HIINDRI~ AND NO/1OO DOLLARS <br />,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to <br />C. ii. C. INTf3yySTlffdN'PS ,Grantee,. <br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. g 76-201) in <br />xALL County, Nebraska: <br />LOT oNB (1) ZN BLOCS FouR (4), VALLEY VIEII SUHDIVISiON OF S&CfION TNEE7TY-TiYO (2z}, <br />TowNSx~ EZES~I (u) NoRTx, RANGE NINE (s) +rESr cF Tt~ 6Tx, xAZa, covNTr, N&BR$ <br />V Grantor covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantee that Grantor: I <br />( 1) is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances QEC9Pt eaHemeAtS~ <br />attd restrictierns of reaerd ~ <br />i <br />(2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />i <br />i <br />(3) warrants and will defend the title to the real estate agair_st the lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed: Febr~azy 13, . 19 81 , <br />r ., <br />NEBRASKA DOGlifvtENTARY i ~ ~~ ....«~C!,'. ~r,~~~i <br />.....~.~...... ..~C~NEY~ IAF(1R~i <br />.................~~~.gY..... ............ ..,.............................................. <br />$ ~ ~YAR.Y fi.~AFGRffii ~' <br />State of Nebraska STATwNEN"f A~~~C,ih~7 ! <br />i <br />County of ...~~e ................. <br />i <br />The foregoing instrument wan acknowledged before me on ........ ~~k3?t~lY7-...~a. ~9.$~.. I <br />by .Y.QJ~'..~a..~k~..A1'!A .bIARY..F.. ~JD~GEFI$'In.:.,i~U//eS, B~AI'@. AND..AIIFE,.......[~/..~_.......... ................ j ''j <br />'-3tipaptelallam~ <br />STATE OF NEI3RAS%'sA ~ <br />~t f/ '~` <br />i <br />County of .., h4::*~~:~.:L^.~'....,...... <br />I :' <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index on .............................................. <br />at ...,, o'clock ,...,M., and recorded in Deed Record ......................... Yage .................. <br />ay: ....._.. ...... ..... .. ....................... <br />(. UU ntV ur tputy ._ aunty 1. f. [ K <br />ft~g[e;ter ut I)eNds ur i)eputy Kei{t:stc~r uC I.7e:eds <br />