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<br />ASSItiNMENT OF MORTGAGE -Corporation 82~. ~ n 0 ~ e <br />KNOW ALL MEN 8Y TNESE PRESENTS, Thst the WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, s eorporstion, the <br />t <br />party of the first part in cronslderation of the sum of Thirty Two Thousand Five Hundred Ooltata <br />32,500.00 and No/100 <br />lawful monM of dts tJnlted States of Arnartca, to it in Iisnd paid by <br />THE PJE'rV i~ORK GUAI7ul ~! Pt~Q~TGAGEE CGRF. <br />a Corporation, tits party o/ the second par[, at or before (he ertsea!lrrg end delivery of these pretend, rece/pt Khdiaa6fs <br />hereby ackno+rledged, hat gravttad, bargained, sold, assfgrted, transferred. avM set over, and, by thase~reserttsrt:- - <br />bngain, sell, aaign, transfer, and ssi over unro the said party of .the saeand part, i8 succesaots erid asNgnt, a sardtfn <br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, bearing dear 17th of January , f9 7g , <br />Document N0. 78-000349 <br />Recorded in 8tapk , ~ , of the Mortgage Records of Ha 11 County, Nebnaka, <br />and made try Kimball J. Fry and Barbara A. Fry, husband and wife ro <br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, and sl! its right, ride and interost ro the premises therekt deacrlbed, as folldtw, <br />to•wit: <br />Lot Eleven (11), in Fractional Block Nine (9), in Ashton Place, an Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />Together er_'th dte note therein described, and the money due or to become due thereunder, including interest <br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD dta tame unro the said parry of dte second part, its successors and aasigna forever, <br />sublets only ro the provisos o/ said fNDENTURE Of MORTGAGE therein contained. <br />And dte party of the first part does hereby make, constitute and appoint the said party o/ dte second pan, its true <br />and !aw/u/ attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otherwise, but at their own proper carts arrd charges, !a hare, use, and <br />take all lawful ways and means for the recovery of dte said money and interest and, in case o! payment, to discharge the <br />same as the party of the first part might or could do, i/ shear presents ware not made <br />1N WITNESS WHEA£OF, the WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, a corporation o/Omahs, Nebraska, has caused <br />this Assign o! Mortgage to be executed by its Vice President and attested by its Assittant Secretary, and i[s <br />.;, is `~ ' - t t: <br />CorporSte'-Beef tb b~~teraunto affixed this 30th day of January in the year t9 81 <br />` WESTER SECURITIES-COMPA Y. <br />,~"`~ ~ <br />.. ~.i~~ ~ VicePresrdent <br />,. - ~ ~~ Attest .-=~ -~ !~--~--c~~-S- %' ~ ~ <br />Auistant Secretary <br />STAT£ OF NEBRASKA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY Of DOUGLAS, <br />On this - 30th day of January f8 81 belare me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned <br />and pua{tied in and for sa:'d County and State, persona/fy came th% °hove named N. E. Reel fS , <br />~. L. M. Ansorge . _ . -.t s~ ~. f:, ., ~'.rsrenr secu~ir~Es <br />,, ~ ~ , <br />+%fJ~ ,, . e--; ac. to-;y ~.. ~ .. . _ ,. _ ..,_. t.; pe. _. a ~. ~; o:-.: J,<utta ,e, a ...7e tc~i is u!e aueeac~ dss'y-, . ~ . <br />F~[ f„ I _ as t+~ 4ice PJeS .,. _.. ,~ ., t ~ ,-. _,_.. ~• $x~rr t,:-{ of ~3,d (,~DIi:Jrl9ilOn, d.-~d t'+c"v ~~! nay,-~t aye.: N,e un. <br />tie ,+[ ....... ..- , ,~.'C enJ , ... '~;f Itac '.. ,:;nt~ ' . ,., ~ ~ 11[ "; G: f e : - n GCYFpOJU7~iln_ <br />~' L~.i.',`'''~'l .'~'~'ly ;s i1 aYt ",.,. st, :1111,1: :. it .~.;.~ ~GY,Y L: - S i- <br />QiliiMi h01Mx Sr~t M Ms4MC6~i ` - .4 ~' - <br />_ ~ fit; ....?:llr.`., €~, 3Jy~ 't. ~st4a~ Ar>!..t f j!~--. <br />