ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corpor»ion 82-~. 00066Y
<br />parry of the firer part, in eonsideration of the sum o/ Forty Thousand and NoJ100 Dallas
<br />40,000.00
<br />bevht/ mdfay of the United Ststea of Amerka, to it in hand paid by
<br />a Corporation, the parry of the sacand put at or before the tnsealfng arrd deti+mry of these presents, racefpt xhereof is
<br />hereby Jckrrowfedged, has granted, bargained, sold, aasigrisd, tnnslsrred, and set over, and, by these preaenirdoea.grant,
<br />b~vgein, seB, assign, transfer, and set ow unto des said party o! the sxond part, its srrccesron and asdgns, s catafn
<br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE, in date 24th c/ JanUdry i8 78
<br />~c~.~nt No. 78-000471
<br />Recorded in ~J~k , P~ , of the Mortgage Reeords of Hdl l -County, Nabrsaka,
<br />and made by Lyle K. Scranton and Rosetta E. Scranton, husband and wife to
<br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, and ail its right. tide and interest to the premises dtemm described, as followe,
<br />to-wit:
<br />Lot Eight (8), Block Twenty-four (24}, in Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City
<br />of brand Island,Ha11 County, Nebraska;
<br />Together with the Wore therein described, and dre money due or to become due thereunder, including inrnrest
<br />drerean, TO HAVf ANO TO HOLD the same unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever,
<br />aubfact only to the provisos of said INDENTURE Of MORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />Artd dte parry of the first part does hereby make, constitute and appoint the said party of the second part, its true
<br />and fawfuf attorney, irrevocably, in its name, or otherwise, but at their own proper costs and charges, to have, use, and
<br />take elf lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money and interest, and, in case of payment, to discharge the
<br />same as the parry oI the first part might, ar cavld do, it these presents were not made.
<br />i
<br />~! JN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VvESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, a corporation of Omaha, Nebraska, has caused
<br />E' dtis Assignment of Mort~ge to be e.~ec~ted by its Vice President, and attested by its Assistant Secretary, and its
<br />~.
<br />Corpgrate Slla~ tb,bc hereyn;a a:fi..~•d :hrs 30th day o1 January in the year 19 Bi
<br />~: ..
<br />~* c.~ Vire President
<br />C ~
<br />t
<br />i ~ Attest -~ ~~+ iz
<br />~- STATE OF f~lEBRASKA sistant Secretary
<br />7?
<br />t, ~
<br />I
<br />eouNrr of oouccas,
<br />On IMS nth day of January Is 81 before me, s Pv'otdry PubLc, duly corr,mrssioned
<br />- ar+d oeia.'i!!rJ in and tar sa.d Cc,.nry .=.nd Slste. , e~~wrb;ly c~ -.r ,••<~ ~ Warned H. E. Reel fS .
<br />. L. M. Ansorge ,: , z. r: _ ._ ~ .. ~~~
<br />rr~ • .
<br />}.. Wl TPiESS my hand and affrrral scat, at Omaha. ,r+ mr.i Lo.; ~:hY, Etna datr, aloresyd.
<br />"' ~~,~tt.?~st
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