<br />ASStONMENT Of MORTOAOE - Catpaation 81 ~ n ~ ~ r ~
<br />party of the first part, in corraakration of the sum o/ Thirty-seven Thousand Six Hundred Dollars
<br />37,600.00 & No/100
<br />lawful money of the United States of America, ro it in hand psid by
<br />a Corporetion, the parry of the second part, at or before the errsealing and delivery of dres+e presents, receipt wfrareof is
<br />hereby acknowledged, has g srtapd, bsrgairxd, mold, aseipaed, transferred, and set over, and, by these presents does ~artt;
<br />bargsin, mN/, euxign, trer„-fer, and set over unro the said party of the second pan, its wccssmrs and assigns, a cetKain
<br />/NOENTURE OF MORTGAGE, hexing date 22nd of August rq 79 .
<br />Document No. 79-005473
<br />, Rxorded in Soak ,Page , of the fr'rortgagr Records of Hdl 7 County, Nebraska.
<br />~rdn~by Eugene E. Morris and Nancy J. Morris, husband and wife ro
<br />WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY, and al! its rigiht tide and interest to the premises therein des+cr/bed, as follows,.
<br />to-wit:
<br />Lot Nineteen (19), West Bel Air Fifth Addition to the City of &rand Island,
<br />Nall County, Nebraska; ,
<br />Together with the note drerein described, and the money due or [o become due thxeunder, including- interest
<br />thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto die said party of the second part: its successors and assigns forever,
<br />subject only to the provisos o/ said JNDENTU.4E OF MORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />And die parry of the fine pan does hereby make, constitute and appoint the said parry of dee second part, its true
<br />and lawful attorney, irrerocebly, in its name, Dr otherwise, but at their own proper costs and charges, to have, use, and
<br />tske all lawful wsys and means for the recovery of the said money and interest and, in case of payment, to discharge the
<br />same as the parry of the first part might or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />JN WITNESS WHEREOF, the WESTERN SECURITIES COkWANY, a corporation of Omaha, Nebraska, has caused
<br />this Asigrunant of Mortgsge ro be exxuted by its Vice President, and attested by its Assistant Secretary, and its
<br />Corperaisl Sgaf to br herounro affixed this 30th day of January in the year 19 $1
<br />r;
<br />STATE t?F kfBRASKA
<br />BY ~. ~
<br />/ Vice President
<br />G
<br />A ttBmt • "; ice. _ -:[.E~iL1•'-G_.
<br />Assistant Secretary
<br />On this 3Dth day of January tq 81 before me, a Notary Public, duly commissioned
<br />and 4uatified in and fa said County and State, persond/y camr the Above nsrned H. E. Reel fs
<br />Vice President and L. M. Ansorge Assistwrt Sttretary of the WESTERN SECURITIES
<br />GOMPAMY, wfip era psrsortally known ro me ro be ttre identacs/ parsons wAose namaa are affixed to the strove assignmenr
<br />of Mertgpe as tht Vacs President and tM Ataristartt Secretxy of said Corporation, and they acknow/edged the instrument
<br />to 4+ their voluntary act acrd dard, and die voluntavy act arW deed of tfra said Corporation.
<br />seal, et Omaha rn said Co~rrtfy) the date aforesaid
<br />.F4tNC$ K, GOSTAIiW :'" y, . _ p,~ .
<br />~~: _ _ rsrx 6oa+a~~B-+WF 21. rqq ~ 7 ...: .. -..-=~... 2 -.~. _
<br />._.,.__...,» - - -_ ~NotartPublic.
<br />My cgrrNniaai{M axpirp ~ ,
<br />t
<br />i
<br />