<br />S2 A-~-REA E8TA7E MORTGAGE-(Wrth T:+.x fla uses rR"-°L.•'rt 79fi2}
<br />l~r },u9man r rnl Surv{rly }i,wx, f. min, iV••~.;.
<br />_ ,<
<br />I:taoW Af,L MEN 1;5 rHF;Sf Pr~t•~sr;t.•r~: 'gnat John D. Franke and Barbara A. Franke,
<br />each in his and her own right and as the spouse of each other,
<br />~ of HaI1 f ounty, xnd `~tatr ~E Nebraska , in considerati,,n of the _um of
<br />SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDkED ~ no/10 (79,700.00)----------- noLf.~;Fts
<br />i,-. hand paid, do hereby AI':LL and !'nn?; .. , „,t,~,
<br />of Hall Court ~tan• of Nebraska the foGnivirg descrbcd premises situated
<br />in Hall C,nm ty. ;,nd State rat Nebraska , to-wa: A tract Of
<br />coin rising a part of the i3orth half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, To
<br />slti l0 North, P.ange 11, [ti}est of the bth P.t~i., in Hall Gounty, NE more particu
<br />de-s ribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Southwest
<br />t~rlsaid point being Seven Hundred Sixty-Three and Twenty-Five Hundredths feet
<br />So'u~h of the Northwest corner of said SW4i thence Southerly along the west tin
<br />s~i¢ SW4 a distance of Five Hundred Forty-Eight and Ninety Six Hundredths feet
<br />tt1e,IISW corner of the NW4SW4j thence Easterly along the South line of the said
<br />NTk'$W4y a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Eight feet, to the SE co
<br />of` aid NWy of the SW4; thence northerly along the East line of said NW'itiSW'~, a
<br />dis ante of One Hundred Seventy-Two and Seventy Two Hundredths feet; thence de
<br />fie ling right 89 32'30" and running easterly, a distance of One Thousand Two
<br />Hull red Ninety-Eight and Five Tenths feet to the East line of said SW's; thence
<br />nor hotly along the East line of said SW%,, a distance of Seven Hundred Ten and
<br />Tcaety Six Hundredths feet; thence deflecting Taft 91°11' and running westerly
<br />ds ante of One Thousand Six Hundred One feet; thence deflecting left II7 56'50
<br />andirunning southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Qne & Thirty-Eight Hundredths
<br />feetk; thence deflecting right II7 20'20" and running westerly, a distance of Ni
<br />lit#nt~red Ninety Four and Nine-tenths feet to the place of beginning and contain
<br />39.$52 acres more or less.
<br />I The intention being to convey iteretry an ah~~e: ace title in tee simple. including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />f TC~ HAVE AND T6 HOLD the ;,remtses ah;n~.- :iesrnt~.l. wtth al! the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s7 :rod to his, her =•-u their ne+rs xnd assigns forevc r. provided a!wavs. +md these presents are upon the express
<br />jjji condition chat if the .;std mortcaeoN•.~, his. !:-r •>r their Deis. excrutors, administrators or assigns shaII paY or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagt-a(;t, his, her ::r tn::r hers, rxecvtors. admu;isaatnrs or assigrv_. the princigat sum of S 79, 700. QO
<br />payable as follows, [o wtt.
<br />On demand and with interest at 6% per annum
<br />with interest according to the t=•nur and effort •..r the ^wrtgaKo rs written promisu~ry note bearing even date with these presents
<br />arxd shall pay n[I taxes sad asst-.s..r. n•nts IE-vreKl u}r.=n vid real ea fate, anJ ail other [saes, levies and assessments levied upon Ihiy ;
<br />mortgage or the note which thts murtx:age is „n rn to avurr, t~[ure the s.°une 2;ecomes delinquent, and keep the btrildings on .;
<br />said premises insured [~u the gum •~I ? -- - loss, tE any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents
<br />to be void, otherwise t=. he and remain m 'uli `• .~c.
<br />rr IS FUf2'i'H F.H AGHEF:ll (i) Tha[ it the eatd murtga gar ,hat: ia;! to pay such fazes or procure such insurance, the
<br />said mortgagor may pay such taxes and pnxu re such insurance. anu it.r sum ~ advanced, with interest at l6 per a
<br />cent, shat! th repaid r>v :aid mortgae==r. and d-tic mortgage ::hat; ,rand :u swunty for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br />of said money. either pnncipal or :merest. when the carne h~umes +iue, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sun, .d money heroin searuce:i to become due and collectible at once at the option of the
<br />mortgagee. *,~ JJ '
<br />Signed tuts ..> ~= day uE ~x~t~i6d•~2--~- ay $]`.,
<br />~ i.
<br />1n presence of ~~~".' ,.Y- '~`'-'~~ -
<br />:. John D. Franl~e
<br />~~ :.
<br />,_., ;
<br />_. ..- -~--x_.
<br />Barbara A. Franke
<br />sTnTE oF.. Nebraska- ct~tntiy ,.t i-lall
<br />s Before me, a notary public qualified for uiid ~.vuniy, lxr~,.+nal!y came Johtl D. 1_'r3nkC' Arid BHr bars
<br />:.Franke, each in hi_s and her own right and as the spouse of each other,;
<br />i liaown to me to be the identical person ;;r }rersuns who sign d the foregoing instrument and se '~~y
<br />thercrof tr. kxr hi3, her or their voluntary art an•± iecvi./ ~
<br />Witness my hand and nutazial ~.a~°a}i wt. ~B~'~~.J.: ~-r--... ~j {~j •,'f,.%.~..~ {1jt ~_ 1-r r I~<jr f~~-~~~~
<br />My ctm,.rnission eAVirt~:....~~?.. `7 ). tfS F. ~~L K$~Y~f/'~ "• ..~.~~~ ~~~."-~-~r` ~.- y.
<br />otar Public.
<br />'' ~'~'~~ ~~E" ~ - - ~ - -- - - - Entered on numerical index and tiled for record .
<br />j t s5.
<br />C;wuriy - - _ - - ~ m the Register of LAvda (.)Rice ut staid County the -
<br />-clay of I'+ as- „'clock an<t. minutes ._ 1•f.,
<br />~ rxf.~rclrti er. 13cx;lc.. •..t at ;:age..
<br />Fteg. ut Lk;ds
<br />!ty - L7eputy
<br />ng
<br />- .,}
<br />