<br />MORTGAGE g ~ ""' i) (1 O 6 4
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. 7- ?3a rlnd
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT'S: That Ltxinie D. Jtlhnson aril Karrie L. J6hnsort, edC21 in hiS arx3
<br />iu:r 9st1lt r'.ght and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether orte or [Wore, in atmddentlan of the tam of
<br />Fi(~}' 'i tsnircatyj Fntrr Ifi trtdr~d anr't tdcs~,t OO °- -DOLLARS
<br />ksaned !o said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon $¢ siestas trf ttaek of
<br />ASSOCIATION, Certit:ale No. L 23,904 , de hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCLATION the folksrviag
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />LOT I'f1ttE:E (3) , II.7 BLlJC.iC Ofd (1) , IN JFSf.K VOSS
<br />HtII.F OF THE SO(Yt'fi'[~'`s`T QUA12T~ (W'~SG~s) OF
<br />SF~tICL^1 'P.JO (2) . T041rd~fiZP II,)rVF_:Dt (11) , WRTrI,
<br />Rtii~ Tl•SI (10) WrST OF Tii"E: 6TH P..d.
<br />together wish all the tenements, heredrtaments and appurteaanas thcreunu> belonging, including attacfed fioo[ coverings, all window aaeena,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air canditmning, and plumbing and water equipment seed acttssories thereto, pttttsiu,attavea,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur used m connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor stroll and will pay all taxes aad eavearnenta levied to
<br />asxsxd upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the band secured therebv bttare tiro carne shah become deBitquent: [o famish approved
<br />btsurantt upon the buildings on said premires situated in the sum of S $, 400.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said inswante: and not ro commit of permit any waste ur. or about said prermses;
<br />!n case of default in the performance of any ui the terms and conditions of this tnurtgage ar the bond secured hersby, tht mortgagee shall,
<br />an demand, be entitled to immediate possessrun of thz mortgaged premises and the :: u;tgagor 'tereby assigns, transfers and xts over [o the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and inwrne tc be denved from the mortgaged prcmiszs ~durng such [one as she mortgagt indebtedness shall remain
<br />unpaid: and the mortgagee shad have the power to uppatnt any agent or agent, .t may desert fo: the purp;rse of rcpau ti said prttni_,_ and rsning
<br />the satin and collecting the rents, revenues xnd income. and it may pay out ul slid mmme all expenses of repairing said premiss and neaslary
<br />commissions and cxpetrses incurred m renting and managing the same and of rollcciing rtn[als therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />appikd [award the discharge of card mortgage indebtedness; these rights of the mortgagee ma} be exercised at any time during the existents of such
<br />default, irrespective of any tzmpurary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, are •ap;rn the Condi[iun, That d :hz card Mortgagor shalt tipsy said loan un ar betvre the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment: pay monthly to card ASSOCIATION of Ure Burn spectticd m the Bond secured hersby as interest and principal on said iaan, on or beforo
<br />the Twentieth day of each and even trrant;r. until card loan a fu11y paid, pay all taxis and assessments Izvrcd against said premises and an this Mortgage
<br />xnd the Band cured thereby- hcfutz drbnyuzncy: furnish approved ~nsunncz upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S $, 400, 00 payable
<br />to sadd ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by n paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />[he maximum legal rate thereon from dart of payment ail of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: permit no waste on said pttmises; keep and wmpty
<br />with all the agreenttnts and wndigans of the Band for 3 $ 400,(}0 rhea dot' groin by the sand Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and ctrmpty
<br />with all the requvemtnts of the Comutution and By-Laws u~ card ASSOCIATION, Ih...r these presents shall became nu17 seed void, otherwix they
<br />shall remain in full force and may br fureciosrd at the apnun of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for [bete months to make any of said
<br />payrrants or be their months ir. a:tears in tnakrng _td inunthiv payments- oc =_u keep and wmply with tktt agreements and conditions of said Hond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to Mvc a rectrvtr appuinttd forthwith in wch foreclosure pruceelings.
<br />!f there is any ehange ra ownership of the real estate mortgaged harem. 6y sale or otherwise, than the rntirs remavring mdebtednsss hereby
<br />secured shah, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Islarrd, Nebnska,bscottx immediately dot and payable without
<br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and anp other band for any additional advancss made thercmdsr, shall, €rom [he
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the maximum legal ntr, and this mortgage may than be foreclosed to satisfy the atootmt due on said
<br />bond, and any other hand for additional advanxs, togettrer with all sums pail by said The Equitable Building and Loan Assocution of Gnnd Island,
<br />Ntbnska fu: irrsurans, taxis and assessttrenu, and a.'+sttacting zxttnsiun charges, wsih Interest tlxtreon, from dace of paytnent at the maximum
<br />legal nee.
<br />As provided is tin Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage rcntains in ztTect the morrgagse Wray hereafter advance additional stuns to the
<br />makers uC said Bond, their asstgs`s ut w,:c:essars in interest, w-hrch sums shall be wntun the security of this mortgage the saint as the funds originally
<br />snored tMreby, the total amount of pnrupat debt nut to txtxtd at any tame the original amount of this ttwrtgaffis.
<br />.Dated teals 1T#t day of February A. e., tg 81
<br />`'r -
<br />~ J J ~s~----r-----
<br />Carrie L. Johttsota"
<br />STATE OF NEBRASK4. ~ sa. On this i lth day of F'E'bY11ar~ 19 131 . before me,
<br />COONT'Y OF ttALL
<br />the u uk d, a !yotalV Public m.a~rtd torte ~~ ry~ rsaee ll • me
<br />Ir~inie J. Jorvtscxi atxi :Carrie L. Joizt>,son, each ui`tiisane nor' avn r3 'lt ~~`
<br />P.aC~t 6t3'3E'-r, who :1rE' personally krwwn to
<br />me err he the tdsnircai peravr.S w}tase natsreS ilrE? afttxtd to the atro+x uutrument as murtgagorS sad ttlt:y se+eraily
<br />..+.
<br />acknavs'kd(pecf tote said inatrumcnt ur be t(7~15 ve:iuntary act and deed. -~ ~~ ~ -~ -
<br />WITNt~i eery turxl amt Natarul Stal tree dart aforeuui ~ ~ ~y'f : ~ 4
<br />My Cetrntnrsaaars eapues x: 7 -
<br />rP 7aiaa at ~9i`~ N ... .- r"~,.Srr~
<br />y
<br />iS33 j
<br />