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r~ <br /> <br />21P WiT~SS tiR8RB0l, Y have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal at <br />sty office ip said County and Staee, the daq and year la t above written. <br />(SBAL) (+FMERAtMOiAdti'•S'bsa~raWe ~~2-yl~."~ <br />YtOtA OisEM <br />_ Mr~~6~Et7:~1 Notary Public in and for said County <br />and State <br />E4y oosai3esion agc+prirw Cl ~ ~ ~ ~ O <br />~.., ~ ~ -_._. COtiSEbtT TO ASSYG_t~NT <br />- ~ .~ , <br />_. <br />'$he uadtYSigned he'teby acknowledges receipt of a copy of the attached Collateral <br />'l~s#gRS9ttt of A;rsas~tE, consents and agrees to the terms therein contained and waives <br />and' _a~ all Ob1eCt10~i$ Lheret0. <br />the andersignad further agrees with SBA as follows: <br />i. SBA shall not, except in the event it takes possession of the premises, be <br />ue~dsr any obligation at asp time to perfoitm aay of the obligations and duties of <br />borrower and shall sot be booed by any of the terms, provisions or conditions which <br />soy be binding upon Borrower uader the above described Agreement. <br />2. The undersigned agrees that is the event SBA, its successors or assigner, <br />shall enter into possession of the premises, SBA, its successors or assigaa, msy be <br />substituted in place of Borrower and have the right to the use, possession and occupancy <br />of said presiisss and shall succsed to the other rights, privileges and obllgsCions of <br />lorraper, provided, however, such rights shall bs granted onlq upoa the prompt pagmeat <br />01 t8e Agrees~eat payaents thereia specified. <br />3." Kith the prior appsaval of the undersigned, SBA, its successors or aosigas, <br />shall have-the privilege of reassigning the above Agreement. <br />~~ 19 <br />^ . / <br />Howard N. Kelley ~~ <br />` ~~~~ <br />'~ ss: <br />r or > ~~~ 3r'~jj7,s~ <br />,~ ~`) <br />Oa tbis„~ 7,lday of 14 ;~ / before me, the undersigned, <br />1 lp red <br />eo eo be the idea ical persons} <br />sxseut the a Coaaesct t Assigmaent, aad acknowledged the execution <br />th!seof to be ~ voluntary set and decd. Q~} <br />ititasse 'y hand sad mtarial seal at~~~. ~ ~i4~,r.~,~ ~ ~ D,Q ~ 1~~ g~ , <br />is wi8 County, the dap snd year last above writtten. ,, <br />~Ot ~FiMS© <br />~ ~ X01 Notary Public ~ l ~'~'1 <br />1 <br />,~~ !iy em~eissioa axpirse ~~- <br />~ ~. <br />~/ \~ <br />v <br />fR "' ~ <br /> <br />~ .-., <br /># ~ <br />~ ~ <br />C ~ <br />a <br />A <br />/ i <br />~~ y <br />fwi ~ <br /> <br />`` <br />i <br />C <br />S <br />~" .. <br />~ M c <br /> ~ k-. <br />il., <br />::€ <br /> <br />ga .. <br />;~ <br />K <br />v <br />7 \. ~ <br />'~ <br />~, .,_ ~ `. <br />~ .~,~ \ <br />j V y <br />.,_4`%,E <br />~~~ <br />~~\ <br />~: ~ a <br />y "v j-^ <br />3 <br />" <br />