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r <br />r <br />cpt <br />~;: <br />eai <br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shat! continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Geed of <br />Treat arvl the obiigatitnts seeueed hereby shalt remain in ftdl farce and eBcct as if no acceleration had oceutted. <br />29. Asaigsaseat of Rsau; Appokteseat aB Receirert [.ewer b Peraewims. Aa additional security hereunder, Borrower <br />hereby assigns to E.ender the rents of the Property, provided that Harrower shall, prior to ~cekration under ptuagtaph 19i <br />hereof or alxittdanrttent of the Property, have the right to col{ect and retain such rents as they became due and payable. <br />Upon ae.`eleration under paragraph Ig hetroof or abandonment of tlx Propery, Lender. in person. by agent or by <br />jttdie;iaily appdnted receiver, shad ire entitled is e+~`i2r upon, take ~...,°-~s~- c: -z~ m_ ~- tom- Pro~~r!y ~d-ta s~±4t+sct the <br />coals of the Pr~erty ietslirdmg t#tore past due• Att rtnrs i:otketed by Lender or the rexiva: sha1F be applied BrsE-to payttunt <br />of the cats of managettunt of the Property attd coilaction of rnn[a tttcittding, but not limited to. tceewer's ft~: l<. <br />on t+eceiver's tittrtds and reasonable attorney's fees, acrd then to the sums secured by this Deed ~ Trust. Lender-and the <br />receiver shalt be lialsle to atxount only far the rents actuatty retxived. <br />2t. Faefett Attrttaea. Upon r~uat of Borrower, Leader, at Leader's option, pr`eor to foil reconveyattce of-the Pmpd'ty <br />by Tn~ee to Borrower: may trreke Fusurc Advar.~ to Bttsrower. Such Future Advances. with interest thsrmn. ~# be <br />soured by thin Dad of Truss what evidenced by promissory noted stating that said dotes:re secured hergby. Ai tut tints tdtall <br />the princiltet amaum of the indebtedness severed 6y th+s Geed of Trust, nut tr~ludittg sutras ttdv n - hetewith <br />to prattcr the security of this Deed of Tent, exceed the ongtnsl amount of the Note plus US f...SQ~a.SD.U«a <br />21. Reurtveyat~ce. Upon paymeret of art sums secured by this Dud of Trust, Leader shall regaeat Ttwtee to it:convey <br />the Property add shalt surrender thn Dted of Trttst and ell notes evidencing indefstednaa sectued by this Deed of Trust <br />tc+ Ttustce. Trustu shall tuonvey the Property without warranty and wit charge to the person or persons legally <br />entitled-thereto. Such person ar persons shall pay ail costs of recordation, if any, <br />23. 5s+bnitwe Tte~ee. Lender, at Leader's option, may from titix to utne remove Tretstu and appoint a suceemtx <br />~rustu toaray Trustee a Hied hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Dud of Trust is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the sutxessor trustu shaft succud [o aI] the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />the Trustce herein and by applicable law. <br />Z4. Rerlaart for Narked Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />IN WrrNESS'sYtteattop, Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust. <br />Kemtte ]. .i . Ha Bard , \,~ -aamwr <br />~~ <br />/ J <br />f. _ . ~,~/ <br />Susan K. Haggard -timrow.r <br />STAVE OF NEBRASRAj <br />] SS. <br />COUNTY OF Ha11] <br />The foregainq instrument was acltnowledged before me this 11th .day of. . <br />~'e¢rttaFy, „ 19.&1, by Kemuel..;.. and.Sasan•K+ i]agg~rd; Husbanic anti Wffd ' <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at. ,Grapd,I$l,arid, , <br />~n said County, the dais aforesaid. <br />t ~`-Maw 4 ttrlie•V <br />W ~ eta tart <br />qy Cotuoission expires: <br />~ ~~ <br />~jj` Notary Public <br />REQUEST FOR RSCONVEYANCS <br />4r1 TRilS3'EB: <br />?he uttderaigtsed is the holder of the note or notes secured try thfs toed of Trust. <br />~iA notw or ttotea, together with alI other indebtedness secured by this Oearl of Tzuat, <br />lurr#= b4itn paid in full. You era hereby directed to oancal said note or notes and thla <br />4a4d of-Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the <br />eataLe now lsold by you under this used of Tzust to *_he person or persona lsgslly entitled <br />thereto. <br />Dotes . <br /> <br />