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<br />DEED OF T~t~J~T $1--~~-0~24 <br />t <br />THIS DEED OF TRI;ST is made this.....-....1 ith of ...F.abritar3~............... 1 <br />19. ~?, arnarsgthe T.~ztstor,. Ke~uel„J; , Na~aard,~nd, Susan. lC<, klags2t`da. Husband: art~.I~ife....... <br />... <br />..........................................(herein "Borrower"),............. ................. <br />.....:Erhard. kI-. .0' $oyle .................................... (herein "Trustee"),and the BeheflCiary, <br />......F~va. Ppints.$ank ............................................. a corporation organized-and- <br />existing under the laws of..... Aebraska ............................ whttse address is............... . <br />......2015. N.•. Szoadvrel].;..Grand. Island, . NE ....... . .............. (herein "LendeP'). <br />BORROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocablygrnts- <br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property Iocated in the County of <br />..... lla 11 ............................... State of Nebraska: <br />The Nest Half of Lot Nine (9), fn:Wesr Lawn, an Addition to the Gity of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which has the address of...1812 Nesc. 18th ..... Grand• Is1a•nd,• <br />.................................. <br />lst.eeU letter <br />IYe.>azaeka. b,&881 ......... (herein "Property Address") ; <br />it'+tatm an at+CCasr <br />TocrrttER with alt the improvements now or hereafter erected un [he property, and all casements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply such <br />rets), royalties, mints}, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and aH fixtures now or <br />hereafter- attached to the property, alt of which, incluaiing replacements and additions thereto, shall be deemed to be <br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Deed of 'Crust; and ail of the foregoing, together with said property <br />(or the leasehold es;ate if this I>eed of Trust is on a leaschoftf) arc herein referred to as the '`Property"; <br />To. SECURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated ..February . <br />1,1• ,14$1....(htrein "Noce"), in the principal sum of. Tw@nty, Two .'t'housand .Eight. Hundred. Dollars. <br />a ~~ No,~cpt,s .(X22,$pCz.,Op) .............Do{lars, with interest thereon, providing for monthly installments <br />of principal and interest, with the br-ance of tlu indebtedness, i[ not sooner paid, due and payable on..3: 2/2p 11 . <br />Ma.zeh.I,. 2A11 ............................:the payment of ail other sums, with interest thereon, advanced <br />in ace dance herewith [n protect the security of this Red of Trust; and the performance, of the covenants and <br />3ereents of i~Orrower ht:sein eontairte~; and { b) the rspaysttsnt of any future advances, with interest [hereon, made <br />to Harrower by Lender ptitsuantto paragraph 21 hereof (herein "Future Advances"). <br />Borrower covenanu that Borrower is lawfully seised of tlu estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and <br />convey the Prspetty, that the Property is anencunt6ercd, and that Borruw4r wit! warrant and defend generally the <br />tick fo the Property agaittst afi claims anti demends, subject to any declarations, casements ar restrictions listed in a <br />schcduk c>f exceptituts to coverage in any title insurance policy insuring t.ender's interest in tlx: Property. <br />NME'F 3/88 <br />