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r <br />_.,~. <br /> <br />prior to carry of e~jud~rtettt enforans this Mortgage if; (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under <br />this Mortgage. the Noto and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no aceekration occurred: (b) Borrower cotes sa <br />breaclts^t of airy other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Mortgage; (e) Borrower Pays all reasOns~e <br />exppirbs i~urred by I,etufer in etttorcing the sovenants attd agreements of Bptrowar contained in thin Mortgage-and m <br />eolorsisg Lersder's reetedirs ax provided in paragraph 18 hereof. including, but not limited to, reaeonabk attorney's,feea; and <br />!dY ~r takes such action as bender map reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, I.endsr's lei <br />in the Pteperty a~ Horrtmer's-obligatiat ur pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shah co~n'wc unia:p.`ird+ Ups ash <br />paytaatt and cure by ;3orro~:, thss •~ ~ ~ f!T obl:~*''.oas secured l+areby shalt remain in futl totix std eQect aa-if <br />nti aceekration had occurred. <br />~ ~ Reams Aptaltwse!st ~ Reedver; Lender ~ Persstafas. As additional security herewtder, Borrowsr <br />herebp soigne to Lender the rents of the Propertg+, provides that Sorcower shah. prror to acceleration ttntkt' Parxgs~t -I8 <br />hereof of abandoruthnt of the Property, h:ve the right to coiled and retain such rend as they becorete due and- payt~le: <br />Upon acceleration under parse :Ph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property. Lender, m Pe~and to~collect--the - <br />judisially appointed receiver. shall be entitled to enter upon, taker possession of and manage the Property <br />renu of the Property, including tFmse Past due. Ali rents cdlected by Lender or the receiver shag 6e applied 9ta2 to psptnent <br />of the casts of tnanagattent of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited to, nxxsve~s fem, pttnnnitmsa on <br />receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and rhea to the sums secured by this Mortgages Lander and the reeoittee <br />shad ix liable to socount only for those rents actuaNy tsceived. <br />2I. Fsmra Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Leteder's option prior to reirase of this Mortgage. nary <br />make Future Advance to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with inunest thereon. shall be secured by this Mortgage whm <br />evidenced by promiwory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness sectued by this Mortgage. ttw indudeng sums advanced in accords®ce hetawith to protect tip security of the <br />Mortgage, excad the origma! a~ttnt of the Note plus USE.5.OO,sOA......... , <br />Z2. Iit~se. Upon paymeet of aQ stnrta secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall discharge this Mortgage vnehan <br />charger to Borrower. Borrower shall Pay all costs of recordation, iF any. <br />Ix yNtrtre5s WtteneoF, Borrower has executed ottgsge. . <br />.y r J bs .. ... ....................' <br />~C ~~ <br />~~ . <br />.Karr ~ A. Ja ©bs ........-aa+avw <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />J SS. <br />OOI7NTY OF uni r <br />""" i ith ,day of< <br />The foregoing inatrtarent was acknottledyed before me this . <br />February , 1g,8~, by GREt>ORY.S. JACOBS AN(? iCA7RYNA A..JAC~BS,, husband and < <br />wire ;:rand Island; tiet~raska, , <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at. . <br />in said County, the date aforesaid. <br />, , .~ . ~ . <br />Notary Publio <br />L+ly Coasniasion expires: <br />ar~ttaalpw•ottaa~ <br />t>eaaglMM~11~~ <br />pp;G,a,a,, ~,tt,Mt,,,~s tt+as <br /> ~ ~ ::, :" <br />~ <br /> <br />~r <br />~ _~ __, <br />~1 c rya c~ ~ ~; <br />~, 0 <br /> <br />rn (: m <br />~ rn 3 <br />ro m <br />a <br />~- <br /> s~ T~' <br />Y m <br />~ H <br /> O <br />y _ ~ <br />~ <br />n i <br />k- V ~ <br />~~ ... <br />C <br /> ~ <br /> N <br />~ ~ Z' <br />~. Cn ~ O <br />~'r <br />