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<br />1VIGItTGAGE 81-0~~0618 <br />TH1S M~JRT~AGE is made this........... , i i th February <br />... ........ <br />do,~ of ............................. <br />19.8 ~., between the Mortgagor, GRE.G,QRy, $; , JAC,Off$, AN©, KATRYIVA, A,., J,ACG3S,, husband, and w i f~, , , <br />.... (herein "Harrower" ), and the Mortgagce, HOME ,FEDERAL ,SAVJ ~d~S <br />.................................. <br />& .LOAN. A`.SQG i AT.1 RN AF . GRPNR . LS 4f+NQ ......................... . a corporation organized and existing <br />under the laws of ..........N~QBAStVI . ......................whose address is. ~? L .$44fh. )-.oey~j',, , , , <br />GR@ND. JslAN4, . NE~RAS~.... 688q ( . . . . . ............................... (herein "Lender"). <br />WHEREAS, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. TH 1 RTY ,F i V~, ,T,rl0l!$ANQ, AJyD, .N9LJ QQ, <br />--cc-r------. -°------- --r. ------°r.-.::"'Hollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by $orrower's note <br />dated... ,February, J ,1,,, ,1,98 t _ , , , , (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interact, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on...... March , I , ; 201,1, , , , , , , , , , <br />To SECURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (hertiri' <br />"Future Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn'bed property <br />located in the Cotmty of........... HALL ........................... State of Nebraska: <br />LOT TWENTY SEVEN (27), IPJ ISLAND ACRES N0. 7, A .SUBDIVISION OF PART OF FRACTIONAL <br />SECTION SEVEN (7); PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF (WzWZ) OF SECTION EIGHT i8); <br />AND PART OF LOT TWENTY-FOUR (24) ISLAND ACRES, ALL IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II) NORTH, RANGE <br />NINE (S) PlEST OF THE 6TH P.M., IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />3004 Westside Grand Island <br />which has the address of ............................................ ................., <br />tstreett tctcyt <br />Nebraska 68801 , (herein "Property Address"); <br />tstrtc ano zto coast <br />TOGETHER Wlth all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, rights, <br />appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gee rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and al! <br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including repiaceutents and additioms thereto, shall be <br />deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; and ail of the Coregoing, together with said <br />property (or the leasehold estate if this Mortgage is on a leasehold) arc herein referred to as the "Property". <br />Hotrawer covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hercbv conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumhercd, and that 13nrrower will warrant and defend <br />generally the tint to the Property against all claims and demands, subiec[ to any declarations. casements or restrictions <br />listed in a schtdmle of tzceptions to coverage. iu any title inSnranee per(ir} insuring t cndcr'~ interest in the 1'rupe;rty. <br />Ni1F'P llHl <br />