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~"~') ~i ~~ ~ 1, <br />s. '!'lee mortgatgor covenants and agrees that if ht shall fai9 to pay said tndebtedntse ar any part tittrtaif-evh~ta <br />z, ar shall tali eo ptrfortn any covenant or agrtetra3tt's of this i.:strumeat ar the promis~ry no*.- stcured•'h~rtls;~ t~ <br />` ire lade®tedne:s hescby ateurtd shall immediately beco~it due, payable, and ralitetibit wiehottt noti@~, at t <br />°° dl e a th® ;;aastpagee or iuie 3~sigtas traay I?~fore 9r ~ft_EY~ti-~ <br />e9~r-ara GT iG3i s:a::rigagee eat aes:gE,e, .rr°,a, ,~, maaiaaty,-=~•. ,. _ <br />nui~i „avae>Hety_ withotat anpraistment (she marieagor having waived and assimed to the mortgagee ail rigi~aTe Stf <br />tfsrsi€tnaetai l : . , <br />I e 1 at judecial sale pursuant to the provisions a5 2$ Ii.S.(~. 2'~ ;i ~ a) : or <br />ta) at ?rte option of the mortgagees either by anetion or by solicitation of sealed hida,'for the ltutheswao <br />bea§ bid complying will[ flee tei~itts of sale and maanee of payment specified in the pablis4.ed ttoti[~ ~oaie,~irot <br />,:wing four wetk~ notice of the time, terms, and piece of nosh salt, by advertisement not lese'ihan oiptx <br />during each of sadd four weeks in a newspaper puhlteheri or distributed in the county in which said fatoptaKy <br />is situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (amd said mortgagees oe any psttsma ou <br />t~laall' of said °ortgagaa., may bid with the unpaid indtbttdntes evidenced by raid note). Said ule ~uifl he <br />held at or on eht property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city rnarthoace for the couttty in which the <br />property is ioested. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to ezecuae (ar and on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver eo the purchaser at such sale a sugicient conveyance of said propeK;~, which conveyance shall ~ntain <br />teeitala as eo tits itapp~-niag of the default upon whie;. the ese°utian o€ the por+tr of salx fttreia gtxn?~d <br />tlepeada: and the said mortgagor hereby conatitutea and appoints the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the <br />m~*e+~agse, tine agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such reeieals and to a:acute said <br />conveyance aaa ittreby ~gvenanfa and agrees that the zecitxls so made shall be effectaal to bar all etpaity or <br />right of rmfst; laam~ttad, dower, and a!7 other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which sae hetehy <br />enpa•e~ly waives atad~-.eottveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />ittl) ea#te any ether appropriate action pursuant Eo mate or Federal statute eithee in stale or Federal <br />eotari or otheewise for the diapoaition of the property. <br />its else event o! a sale ae hereinabove provided, the mortgagor or any person in pasaeasion under the mortgagor shall <br />tzsera ~itess,rte and be tenants holding over and siaaii forthwith.-deliver p~sesaian so the purchaser at such salt or be <br />. a..~=Faasil±«• riispossesatd, in accordance with the pmvisiotts of law applicable to tenants hoidirsg ogee. The power <br />anal ageneF hereby granted are coupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and are granted <br />as eamnlaflive to else rcmedees For coilectittn of said sndtbStdtttas provided by law. <br />s. 'i`a~ p=er' of ~iay sale cf said pa+~perty in a.-~rdtnsu s:itlt ~t prate:.tiag Yaragaaphs akall ha spplitd 5ra[ <br />to pay the eta and etapeneea of said sale, else: e:penasa incarrtd by the mortgagee for the purpose of proteceiag or main• <br />r ~_r,g ~,sid ptvapertva and' reasana6le atiarneys few; setoodly, €o pay the indehtedtiess secured hereby: and thirdly, <br />to pay any surplus or excess to the person ar persons legally esatilltd thxreto. - <br />5. In tics evsat said properly is old at a judicial fo_••eeiosurt salt or pursuant to the power of salt heninahore <br />geanted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by ibis inetntrnent and evidenced by <br />said promissory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgment for tht amount of the de~cieney mieltwst <br />rtga[,rl to afliaetra~t6. <br />:~. !r. flat event tree naeertgagor fails as pay ar.: Federal, state, or io: al tax ~sa~:an:ant. insotne tax or other tax Iien. <br />charge, fee, or other expense charged against the property, tine mortgagee is hereby authorized a6 his option W pay <br />the same. Any sums so paid by Fite mortgagee sitaii be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness evide:seed by said note, subieca to tl:e same terms grad conditions. I( the mortgagor shall oay and <br />dasclaarge she indebtedness evidenced by laid promissory note, and shalt pay such auras and shall discharge all lessee <br />and iisaa and. [ht costa, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this mortgage <br />sisal! be cataceied and surrendered. <br />T. Tht covenants herein canaained s all bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure io the respective auc- <br />and of she oartiea hereto. ~s"ltenever used, 87ae singular number shall include the. plwal, the plant the <br />eittgtalar, and else use of say gender altai ietcletde all graders. <br />$. i4to waiver of a;,y cova;ant herein or of the ola==~ tion secured hereby shalt at any time efsereafett bt held <br />to'~s,a a v<a:vtr of i~-~ terms; 7teatAf or of the note seaared here3av. <br />9. In cottapliarece wi~te section 307.11 d) of thz Iluits and fitgulations of the Jmall 13asineas Rdministration (13 <br />v.c Q las ices a ~•_ :__. <br />• . i> tra3a %aatcFaiiair.~t i6 io ce contsrued and enforced in accordance with applicable Federal law. <br />lt0. R judicial dxcree, order, or judgment holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or un- <br />a:nforttstale sltail sans in env .vav impair er prerludt the enforcement of the resnainittg provisiow •or portions of <br />:his i ~--att. - <br />rata, v®>a~ va: to-roe ... .. .. <br />