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<br />~~ , sty arts heivve~rri F. Grant Falmlen and Td~rguerte N'a3.mlen, husband ana wide
<br />( gseg~=~,"t~ t~ferred ut :~ r~mmrtge~er) end abas Atiministntor of the Stmmtl B~miamtt A~il~xrati~, ami a~esep of
<br />~v of the U~ted Btatmo ~ A~er~a (bereiaafter referred to as tart}, - axt+a tatd
<br />P~ et F~pire State Bua.lsl7.ng, 14th ik Fartxam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska E3S142.
<br />. t3iat fmmr Lbe roaa~ermoiaa ber+elttsfter stated, Lttceipt of rorhief't fa ~ -,
<br />t hercFsy attmmrtgsgc, eeia, ptsatz, attri~t, itnd courev u~tv tae titerrz~~Ct, hla t~
<br />of €he foli!g gtropestg t+iterstt~ te®d biti~ !mm the (:otlnty of Hall
<br />State ttf Nebraska.
<br />Lists One {l), T[tree {3), Five (5), Seven (7}, Nice (9), .even
<br />{7,l) , and Tl*3rteen (l3} , Biock Thirty (3O) , 1€EBhland Park.- Kdditian
<br />to the Citq a€ Graacl IsLaac, hall Ceattnty, Nebraska.
<br />?'o~,€ti°~ r :~s!?r ; nc! inel~:~ir~ a!! E;triltl:'rs~,s, all fixterre inclndin~ `rJUt not !ienitrd to ail piumbina, hratinF;, li~ltt-
<br />in~„ veniilailnn, ref'rig;ermtin~, inrinrraiitt;, air rondetianinr apparsttes, and elevators Ethe mort~a~or hereby
<br />derlar'sn~, that it-ie inSenderl fllaE the iterrne Merritt ettumrraerd ,hail he deemed to have been perreanently in-
<br />Ktallyd tt> part rs§ the realty}, attd all irtxprF_Yrmrnt, n+aw or hrrc+after esi<tin:, thrrrzsri: i'rtr heretlitattrents and
<br />u~pttrtramrtree+and al5othrr rihts Eh°re°xt:o~ helongin~, or in attywisr appertaietinrt, and the revrrFioti end re-
<br />vcr.iott^.,, renaaintse~.a;td retnaindrr~, ail riphi~ of redemptien, and the rent., issues, and profit. of the above
<br />aleRer~~l property ; fu±tvitled, howrvr-r, chat the morCp~~a~ec3r Shall hr rntilled to the pos~e.sixtn of paid property
<br />and inersllrcF an;l Main the rettt5, is-+Ar9, and profits until c!efaa!! hrreuneier}. T'o have and- to hold..the seine
<br />unto the.tnvrtl;aptet and the aucce~ecers in interest of the mortt;m~er fore+er itt fee .itnule or .yrh other relate,
<br />iS 8ny, a+ a5 +tatrel lter'e#A.
<br />'Fs~ +r€~aggs,c~x?srsstata !,lout he i~ l~t.fu4ly aesud mnrS poeacsGed of attd ha: the right to ettl at~d convey eaxd
<br />orsanotty; Gh,et the satire is free ir~m ail cttcumtbrattc~ except as hereinabove recited; and that hr hereby bind.
<br />tlt7m:attuca,isQ iantrrrat to warrattt and ~lrfrtsd the title aforesaid therreo and every part thrrroi agaitut
<br />tots elsaima of all arktstaaoa4er.
<br />l ~ s r~ r~'~te ~a~° .and Mir ucriti Ia1.tnl.et~ of
<br />' ~€~ tnst_rssi~vc .v si+e : t3 ~=_~+ttY th>_ ~~~€#~~` ~ ~di .L - i ~ r r ~
<br />io tlxe ,traGx•tgtal ee:m erf fz l4}~t,2Ot3.Ct7 , signed 6y I^'. ,.,rant t'':t.ttalen, 'Lar~u~~o~.~alm.lcn
<br />in sSt+la;sis"+o€ `r"a.lsauen a'Fa,t•ctierbTzi.E,
<br />:ti,.p f a,*n v3 ~ ~ 5-YS.t k. a,~sv+ L~.vervax .>a „L.sie,e
<br />